5 // the night after

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I woke up freaking out not knowing where I was, all I knew is I wasn't in my bed, there was a glass of water on the bedside table and two painkillers but there was no people around, I was also in my undies, what the fuck happened?

And then in walked a shirtless Casey black "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE BLACK" he looked at me and giggled because replying "don't worry nothing happened you just passed out in the car and you were a mess so brought you here"
"Where's my pants did you sleep next to me?"
He giggled again before replying "you got vomit on your pants so I took them off for you and no I slept in the guest bedroom"
"Thank fuck for that"
"Don't lie you wish you'd get the privilege to sleep next to me"
"Keep dreaming" I replied rolling my eyes

As I got up and went to go for a shower I realised I had no clothes to wear and I could definitely not go home like this
"Casey black" I yelled out from the bathroom
"What" he said from the door
"I need clothes"
"I'll get you some"
2 minutes later he opened the bathroom door and handed me a black and white jumper that was his and some shorts that definitely wasn't his
"Who's shorts"
"My cousins that visits a lot"
I nodded my head before pushing him out of the bathroom, this hot warm shower was much needed, it refreshed me after a messy night but I still felt yucky probably from all the alcohol I had and that's why I should never go out after a bad day with the family because I have no control and that just made me think about what was waiting for me when I got home, would it be sane? Or would world war 3 be going on again? All I know is jade and jackson better fucking be safe.

After my lovely shower I walked down stairs to where Casey was to only see he was making pancakes
"PANCAKESSSSS" I said giving him a hug behind not even caring what I was doing, pancakes is a way to my heart and he only giggled in return, maybe he did know me better than I realised, he placed them on the kitchen table with a juice, I stuffed them down I was in heaven, Casey was trying to talk to me during breakfast but I couldn't even pin point on what he was trying to say which only made him bang on the table "ow can you not"
"Well then listen to what I'm saying"
"Sorry that I was too busy eating pancakes"
He laughed and let it slide if he knew me he should know what I'm like with my pancakes.

After eating our breakfast and hanging out for a little bit longer I decided I should go home I didn't want my house to turn into a war zone while I was gone even if I really didn't want to deal with it especially with a killer headache
"Well I better get going home now" I said and Casey nodded his head and stiff up giving me a quick hug before opening the door for me, wow he was really showing me a different side of him.
My heart started beating as soon as Casey closed the door, I was sick of this feeling and sick of having to deal with this like why can't miles just be the good boy I know he can be? He's only changed within two years, he used to be even sweeter than jackson which is saying a lot but now I don't even know who he is.

I know this is my family and my house too but I have really bad anxiety when I come home and even sometimes when I wake up and you couldn't really blame me could you? Half the shit I've had to deal with my parents and my siblings is fucked. I just feel like this house has too many bad memories.

I could already hear some bullshit miles was carrying on about from the front door, I took a deep breathe before entering inside, I really wish I didn't have to deal with this today, I was too hungover to have a yelling match or tell my brother what he was doing wrong again, it jusg seemed like he never got it through his head, he never learned and I didn't know how to make him learn and to see what he was doing was fucked anymore.

I walked into the kitchen where all the yelling was coming from, I saw sasha standing behind the counter and miles sitting down on one of the stools yelling about not liking what she made him for breakfast, is he serious right now? Can't he jusg be greatful for once?
"Are you serious miles sasha made you breakfast and your complaining like a two year old well maybe next time make yourself something so you know you'll like it"
Sasha laughed at what I said while miles just rolled his eyes and didn't say anything, that was a first but maybe he didn't want to talk to me because of what happened yesterday before I went to the party and honestly I would be happy if he didn't want to talk to me, that way I wouldn't have to yell or listen to yelling because the painkillers did nothing, I made myself coffee as miles sat and ate his breakfast in silent and then I made my way to my bedroom which I missed and couldn't wait to get into my own bed.

I sat by my window drinking my coffee in peace until I see Casey from my window getting dressed, doesn't he know he has curtains for a reason? But I didn't mind the view at all, as much as I wasn't his biggest fan he was good looking which I'll never admit to anyone else, I started his his shirtless body for a few minutes until he noticed me, he sent me a wink as I quick ducked down hoping he didn't see me which I already knew he did, I stayed there for a few moments embarrassed from what just happened, how could I manage to get caught? I just said I'd never admit him being good looking to anyone and him seeing me check him out will only make him more proud of his body, he's already up himself way too much.

I must of fallen asleep after I laid down in my bed because I woke up to my phone ringing I answered it without checking the caller ID
"Tay can I stay at yours tonight my brother and mum are going at it again" she asked in a shaky voice, I could tell that she had been crying and I felt her pain through the phone
"Of course"
"Thankyou" she said before hanging up
Her brother is only a year older than miles and acts the same way as he does, the only difference is we don't understands why he acts the way he does because he won't tell anyone, he has two parents that he sees but he's obviously gone through something that he doesn't talk about, his parents did go through a messy break up through and maybe that might have something to do with it, it's only him and Charlotte so char doesn't have other siblings to lean on like I do even though sometimes I can't do much leaning.

After twenty minutes there was a knock on the door, I ran downstairs to get it and led Charlotte to my bedroom
"Do you want to talk about it babe?" I asked as we both sat down on my bed, her eyes were puffy and red, she had tear stains down her cheeks she looked exhausted
She struggled her shoulders before answering "just my brother having a tantrum for not getting his way again and taking it out on mum and I"
I knew it was more than that but if she didn't want to go in details I respect that, I understand not wanting to talk about it
"I'm sorry char well let's put music on and forget about it"
She hooded her head as I connected my phone to the speaker and started playing music, I pulled her up and made her dance with me, she does the same when I need her and that's why we always come to each other when we just can't deal with it anymore.

I done some stupid dance moves but I didn't care my mission was to make Charlotte smile or laugh even if that made me look stupid and that's exactly what she did. After we listened to music and made ourself tired from dancing I went downstairs to make some popcorn while Charlotte picked a movie for us to watch she chose kissing both one of our favourite movies to watch together, we watched 1 and 2 and talked about random things and after a while we finally fell asleep.

I was happy to get Charlotte mind off things and seeing her smile and laugh made me feel like I accomplishment something.

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