8 // help

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I was nervous to talk to miles about Jessica and that we only wanted the best for him, it could either go two ways, really good where he agrees to it or fucking terrible where he goes off the walls again.

Mitchell and I decided to take miles to a little cafe down town, sasha couldn't make it since she had work
"Miles were going out for lunch get ready" I said as I walked into his bedroom
"Why" he asked as we don't really go out to eat and it's usually something important if we do go out
"Because Mitch and I need to talk to you"
"Why?" He asked
"Stop asking questions and just get ready"
He jusg rolled his eyes at me as he dragged himself out of bed and to the shower.

Once we were all ready we made our way to the car and to get this intense talk happening, the car ride was full of miles just asking us questions that we didn't want to answer til we got there, he was curious to what was going on and I could tell he was confused and scared about what we wanted to talk to him about, we tried changing the subject Everytime he asked us something about our talk we tried to tell him to just wait and in the end we gave up on trying to convince him to wait so we jusg turned the music loud enough we couldn't hear anyone talking to event us from not craving in and telling him we wanted this talk to come out smoothly and not just come out because miles is demanding for answers.

We finally reached the small little cafe that didn't have enough credit for their food they cook, we sat down at a booth at the back after we ordered our lunch
"So now what do you want to talk to me about?" Mason ask, frustration written all over his face
"Little impatient are we?" Mitchell's say rolling his eyes
"Yes now spill" miles demands
"We just want the best for you mikes and I know everything hasn't been the easiest in our family which has obviously affected you" I begin to say
"We want to help you miles but you need to allow us you need to let us in" Mitchell says
Miles looks down at the table, it looked like he was trying not to cry "I'm sorry but I was the closest to dad even if I was young and don't remember everything"
"We know buddy you were a daddy's boy" I say laughing, miles used to go to work with him and everything
"It hit me hard him leaving especially knowing he's looking after two other kids but couldn't look after us or his wife"
"I know and we hated it too but we can't let it change who we are and we can't let it get in our way of our lives in the end it's his loss not ours" Mitchell says
"And it's not your fault bud none of it is" I say
"Then why does it feel like it? Mums someone I don't even know anymore and same with myself"
"You can't control mum but you can control yourself" I said grabbing his hand from across the table
"But I just want her to get better"
"We do too but first you need to get better mum needs to do this for herself" I replied
"We miss our little brother" Mitchell said as he walked around to miles side to give him a big hug.

The talk went really well and we didn't realise how much miles was actually suffering, he agreed to meet Jessica and he said that he wants to get better and he doesn't like who he is, he doesn't want our father to have the power to control who he turns into, so just like that Mitchell and I called Jessica while miles was listening to make an appointment with her next week, we told her a little bit about miles and our history so she had an understanding what miles was going through, I'm surprised it went so well and how much miles wanted help and to change.

After we finished our talk and lunch I told Mitchell and miles to just go home as I wanted to hand my resume into a few stores, they asked me how would I get home tho and I said I'll figure something out and probably just talk even tho it's a far walk. K went to a couple cute clothes store that were looking for staff and gave them my resume, I also handed it into the cafe that we all had lunch in and another cute cafe that weren't hiring but I thought I'd hand it in anyways and now to only for the best.

Now I was finished with my job hunting it was a time to find a way home, I was standing out the front of one of the shops going through my contacts wondering who would be nice enough to pick me up, as I was about to call Kyle I heard someone yell my name out "Taylor" I looked up to see Casey and straight away I rolled my eyes he walked upto me and said "what are you doing here"
"Had lunch with my brothers and job hunting now trying to get a way home" I replied shrugging my shoulders
"I was just leaving I can give you a lift I'm going that way anyways" he said while laughing since he is my next door neighbour I just rolled my eyes at him and really didn't want to get a lift with him but it was either that or walking home which I really didn't want to do
"Sure" I said shrugging my shoulders as he leaded me the way to where his car was parked.

The car ride home was filled with the loud music and Casey singing along to the songs that came on, I was glad because that way I didn't have to try to talk to Casey but then while I was looking out the window I realised he took the wrong turn to my house
"You do realise this isn't the way to my house right?" I shouted over the loud music that was playing but he should know that since he does live next door
He had a smirk on his face as he turned the music down so we could hear each other "yeah we're not going home just yet"
"And where are we going"
"You'll see" he replied with his cheeky smirk that I hate so much
I just roll my eyes too tired to fight and find out where the fuck were going, at this moment I just wanted the comfort of my own bed but obviously Casey had other plans.

After a twenty minute car ride Casey finally stopped the car, I took a moment to look around to see where the fuck we were as Casey got out of the car and came around to my side to open my door
"And why are we here" I said as I got out of the car
"I used to come here as a kid" he said while shrugging his shoulders
Why would he bring me somewhere that obviously means a lot to him?
I followed him up the tiny hill and looked around he took me to a lookout that looked over the whole city, the was a car track so you could drive up here and not having to bushwalk it all the way, it was beautiful I'll admit that, there was trees around and a hill to enjoy the view of our city, I followed Casey and sat beside him, we didn't talk for a few moments only enjoying the breathtaking view
"It's beautiful" I said still looking out to the city in front of us
I could feel Casey's eyes on me as he replied "it is hey not many people know about this place"
I turned to face him as I said "then why did you bring me here?"
He turned to face the view in front of us as he replied "I don't know, I know we don't know much about each other but I can tell your going through something you don't talk about and I thought you deserved to see this and take a few moments to yourself"
Wow for a bad boy that was kind of sweet and it was also weird knowing that I didn't talk about the shit I'm going through yet he noticed that and I wasn't okay
"Thankyou" I said turning to face him
"Wow so you do have manners" and he's back
"I can take it back if you like" I say as I roll my eyes
"No no that's okay I'll take it" he replied as I giggled
After a few more silent moments Casey says "let's play a game"
I look at him confused and said "what game" as I shrug my shoulders
"21 questions I'll go first"
He didn't even let me have a chose in this game so whether or not I wanted to play it looks like I have to
"What's your biggest fear"
I took a few moments to answer it because I didn't have just one fear I had a lot and I didn't know what one to just pick without giving too much away "being heartbroken" which was one of them seeing what my father did to my mum made me scared to get that close to someone and for them to just up and leave and break my heart
"That's understandable" he replied
"What's your favourite colour"
"Boring but it's black" he replied I just rolled my eyes
"What's your body count" he said with a smirk on his face, is he serious right now?
"Really I thought you would of done it with your last boyfriend?"
Oh the one that broke my heart Dylan Parker, I thought he was the sweetest guy but after six months of dating him he showed me his real side, I'm just glad I made a promise to myself that I would sleep with him on our first year
"Nope" I replied trying to fight back the tears even remembering everything he did to me and for my luck Casey noticed
"Hey are you okay?" He said as he put his hand on my shoulder
"Yep just peachy" I said still looking out to the view
"I'm sorry if I brought up something you didn't want to remember" he said
"It's fine" I replied

I fell inlove with Dylan Parker he was the first guy I actually loved and for a while he was sweet he helped me a lot with myself and my family but after six months he cheated on me just like my dad did to my mum and that's not all he started bashing me for random shit and one of them was because I didn't want to sleep with him just yet, in the end he reminded me a lot of my father.

After a few more moments of silent we made our way to Casey's Parker car to finally go home, once again the car ride was filled with loud music which I was thankful for even more because now I really wasn't in the mood to talk, once we got home and he parked his car I said "thankyou for today"
"It's no problems" he said as we both got out of the car
"Do I get a hug goodnight?" He asked
I rolled my eyes as I gave him a quick hug and as quick as it was his warm body against mine felt right it felt nice.

We made our way to our own homes.

I was finally in my own bed exhausted and couldn't wait to finally fall asleep. I saw a different side of Casey today and it surprised me.

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