17// Sashas POV

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It's been a week since Taylor gotten hurt by a car, personally I've started to lose hope and if it wasn't for Charlotte and Mitchell telling me she will make it and she's strong I would probably have given up by now, I needed her more than she knew, she was the only reason why I kept going on and why I can handle having two jobs.

We haven't heard much good news, the nurses did scans and surgeries and everything they needed to do and now they told us it was up to her to wake up on her own, they told us talking to her might help so we come to the hospital everyday and talk to her, I hate leaving her in this hell alone but unfortunately we're not allowed to stay over night but during the day she's never alone there always someone by her side, her friends our siblings casey.

She doesn't realise the effect she has on people how much we need her, she keeps this family sane and together, if it wasn't for her miles still would be going off the walls but yet he hasn't stopped crying all week because he didn't have his big sister around, without her everything seemed to be falling apart, if she didn't wake up miles would go to his old ways again and I knew that for a fact.

We all blamed one person and that was our evil mother, she came in thinking she owned the joint and tore us apart even more.

Taylor had no idea how much she helped me how she helped me get over our dad leaving and how she helped me to face reality, I was in denial for so long about the fact our father left for another family and she made me realise that it was all true and the worse thing is I found information out on our father and his kids and yet I waited to long to tell Taylor because I was scared about how she would react and now I might never have the chance to be able to tell her.

I must of been too busy in my own head because I didn't realise casey had walked in
"Oh sorry I didn't notice you were here" I said
"It's fine" he replied
I've never seen casey look this bad, he usually looks pretty good and always wear styled clothes and has his hair neat with gel in it, but his eyes were puffy he had bags his hair looked like bed hair and he was wearing trackies and a hoodie something I've never seen him wear
"You good" I asked actually concern
"What do you think? Taylor's laying in bed fighting for her life and the last time we talked wasn't a very good one" he snapped
"She will wake up" I said don't know if I was trying to convince him or myself
"But we don't know that since it's all upto her now"
I didn't say anything after that because it was true she had to be strong she had to be the fighter and come back to us, the room was filled with silence only the sound of the machines beeping, we were both struggling with this whole thing so I didn't dare talk another word instead I just looked at my peaceful sister hoping she would wake up soon.

After a while of looking down at my sister and talking to her in my head I had a little glance at casey from the other side of the bed, in this time we hadn't talked he had been crying he must of cared for my sister a lot since casey black never cries
I was nervous to say anything but spoke anyways "hey case can I ask you something"
"Sure" he replied shrugging his shoulders
"Is this thing between you and Taylor a friendship or something more because it looks like you like her or care for her a lot"
"Honestly I don't know, I'm confused about my feelings but I know I feel something for her and now I may never be able to tell her even if I don't 100% know myself" he replied not moving his eyes from Taylor
Wow the player had feelings "well to me it sounds like you like her more than a friend if you want my option but just don't hurt her she's had enough hurt for a lifetime"
"That's the last thing I want to do" he replied
Wow he just shocked me I thought casey was never capable of liking someone he always just seemed like root and boot them type of guy
"Oh and don't just use her for sex" I said
"I won't I know I'm a player and like to just fuck chicks but Taylor's different" he said finally looking up from my sister
I just nodded my head and went quiet again, I was glad my sister was different towards him, she was a one in a million and she didn't deserve the shit casey does to girls so I'm glad we were on the same page about that.

After my conversation with casey I heard him whisper something to Taylor I didn't know what since he said it so quiet but I also noticed he was holding her hand which also shocked me but I found adorable.

While I was in my own thoughts, in walked Mitchell miles jackson and jade, jade ran up to me and sat on my lap with her face in my chest crying, miles hopped on the bed with Taylor and later down next to her cuddling her and jackson didn't leave Mitch side, they all looked exhausted and like they had enough of waiting but I didn't blame them because that's how we all felt, we were just waiting and waiting it just felt like this was some sick waiting joke.

Jade looked at me and said "sissy when she going to wake up" my heart broke at my little sisters words her voice was shaky
I moved her hair out of her face and said "I don't know baby hopefully soon" I was trying to stay strong for jade but it was hard when I was breaking myself and I didn't exactly know the answer to her question
"This is fucking unfair" miles shouted
"I know it is buddy but don't swear you know Taylor doesn't like when you swear" I said looking at my broken brother on the bed with Taylor
"I know but she's not even awake"
Mitchell walked over and sat on the end of the bed to comfort miles "she will wake up we just have to stay positive miles that's what we owe her at least"
Miles just nodded his head and went back to cuddling Taylor.

Seeing my family break apart because we didn't know whether Taylor was going to wake up or not was killing me, I hated seeing my family so sad and broken, Taylor holds our family together and we jusg simply can't fucking lose her.

Wake up sissy please.

Everyone of us were finally getting our life together and now if Taylor is no longer with us that could all go falling down but like I told miles I needed to stay positive.

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