29 // love

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A month later..

It took me a whole month to fully get back on track with my life, to do the things I used to and to find my happiness again, even though I'll always be shaky and shock about that night I'm finding my happiness again.

Casey and I are stronger than ever and going really well, he's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and we go on dates twice or even more times a week, we spend every moment we can together which is pretty much when I'm not at work or when he doesn't have family stuff going on, he's really helped me get back on my own feet.

We went to Casey's spot that is now our spot nearly everyday or when we just needed to get away for awhile and thag still wasn't enough alone time for him as he would always surprise me with something else afterwards, his dates and surprises were amazing jusg like he was.

The kids are getting there too Ryder still has nightmares but not as bad, I've signed him up with a counsellor the same one as miles to see if that will help him with his nightmares and trauma and well everyone else is getting back into there own life's, Mitchell signed up for a few more fights for a while to try and get the memories out of his head, Sasha has been there for the family and also trying to get more shifts at her jobs, miles will do anything to spend more time with us especially Mitchell and I Jackson and jade well there just their self, Alex has gained more trust for us and has opened up a lot and Ryder is getting there and we're helping him every step. It seems like we're getting our life back but I just hope it stays this way this time.

And well today is just another work day the drive to work today seemed longer than usual maybe because I was tired or maybe because I knew I'd have to train a new staff today which always isn't fun, Amy was at the front counter like always when I arrived at work, she always seems to be on the same shifts as me and honestly I love it because she makes work that bit more fun
"Boss lady wants to see you" Amy said as I approached her
I nodded my head and as I walked away Amy said "good luck" causing me to roll my eyes
Her door was already opened
"Come in Taylor" she said as I walked over and sat down
"What can I do for you?"
"There's two trainers today mason and Lucy, Amy's going to train Lucy but can you please train mason on the normal ropes show him what to do on the machines how to serve customers and how to make coffee only teach him the basics today" she replied
"Yes I can do that"
"Great thankyou they will be here in an hour so go set everything up"
I nodded my head as I made my way out of her office, I already knew there was going to be a trainer in today but I didn't know there was going to be two and I guess she just wanted to talk to me to remind me and to let me know what I needed to do.

Mason arrived 10 minutes early which was a great way to his first day at work and lucky arrived just on time, Lucy was very pretty she was very short and had short red hair and hazel eyes, mason was very tall he looked like a giant standing next to me and Lucy, he had black long hair that was in a man bun he was tanned had a few tattoos and brown eyes, he was pretty handsome I'll admit but nothing could compare to Casey.

They introduced their self and then we started getting to work, it was different and new to train someone else and I wanted to do everything right to impress my boss and maybe even get a promotion if that's possible, I learned that mason had a pretty funny sense of humour and was up for making work fun but he kept it to a limit since it was his first day afterall and Lucy seemed like a quiet and sweet girl, she stayed focus and didn't really make any conversation maybe that's just who she was or maybe she just wanted to do good on her first day.

The day went pretty fast after that probably because I didn't have time to be bored since I was training a newbie and since work was busy today and now it was finally time to go home to only see Casey leaning up again my car causing me to smile, Everytime I saw him I couldn't help but smile it was just one of the plenty effects he had on me
"What are you doing here" I asked as I walked up to him next to his bike
"I wanted to take you out plus I missed my baby" I couldn't help but blush "I'll never get over that adorable blush I cause you" he added causing me to blush even more
"And I'll never get used to your cute liners" I replied
"Hop on" he said handing me a helmet
"Uh what about my car?"
"We will come back for it cupcake"
I rolled my eyes out the helmet on and hopped on the back of the bike
This time I didn't even bother to ask where we were going because I knew what the answer was going to be 'it's a surprise' and every surprise Casey has done for me blows my mind so I knew it was going to be a good one so instead of asking I just enjoyed the freedom of riding on his bike with him, I held onto him tight and snuggled into the back of him and loved every moment of it.

After twenty minutes we came to a stop and I was kind of disappointed as much as I wanted to see where Casey was taking us I was also having a lot of fun on the back of his motorbike, riding his bike felt like freedom and I only just understood why he loved it so much but my thoughts soon came to a stop when I took my helmet off, we were at this stunning beach, there was a couple big trees down the path covering over it, the water was clear as and the sun was setting what else could I ask for in this moment but I was also curious to what made him bring me here
"The beach?" I said more like I asked
"Thought someone as beautiful as you deserved to see something this beautiful too" he replied making me blush him and his stupid liners "I love you Taylor Johnson" he added taking me aback I looked at the floor for a few seconds before I turned to him it was like I was frozen in time I couldn't move and I couldn't speak he loved me? He fucking loved me
"I love you too Casey black" I replied as soon as I came to terms with what he said
I couldn't be any more happier than I was in this moment, Casey always seemed to surprise me with his words and even his dates, he outdones himself every single damn time, I'm inlove with this man and I couldn't be any more glad with the guy I fell inlove with, all my hard work is finally coming to some use, I was finally getting the life I wanted for myself and for my family.

We walked along the beach for a while enjoying every bit of being together at this beautiful place
"Come here lay down with me" Casey said fuck he could be such a romance sometime I nodded my head and made my way over to where he was laying and joined him staring up to the stars
"It's beautiful" I said
"Yes you are" Casey said
I turned to him and pulled him into a kiss, talking with my lips pretty much, I just couldn't get enough of this man and well one kiss turned into many that turned into sex, that was one perfect way to make love under the stars and that's what I call romantic.

After we were finished our business we went back to laying down enjoying the sight of the many stars in the sky, this was a perfect day and night and I wish it never had to end and I think Casey felt the same way as he didn't let me out of his arms, he was the perfect man I could ever dream of having by my side and I was glad it was him and I against the world.

"I love you Johnson" Casey said pulling me closer to him before we made our way back home
"I love you black"
I couldn't get used to hearing those words or even saying them but I loved every moment of it and I don't think either of us could stop saying them.

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