9 // bonding

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It was finally Saturday which meant one Mitchell had yet another fight two jackson was going to a friends house and three mum would be getting extremely drunk again, since she likes to get more drunk on Saturday.

"Taylor" Mitchell yelled out from behind my door
"Should see if Kimberly and jade want a play date today" he said as he walked into my room
"Call Casey and plan it then" I replied since I didn't want to be the one calling him or going over there
Mitchell walked away calling Casey to get Kimberly to come over and a few minutes later I hear Mitchell opening the door and talking to Casey and Kim so I walk down to see them all in the hall way talking
"Taylor" Kimberly yelled as she ran up to me and gave me a hug
"Hey sweetie" I said while hugging her
"Follow me and I'll show you where jade is"
I walked outside with Kimberly walking beside me holding my hand to where jade was playing with a ball by herself since Jackson's not here
"Hey jade this is Kimberly Casey's sister" I said as I walked up to her
"Hey" jade said
"Hey can I play" Kimberly replied
"Of course"
I watched them kick the ball to each other for a few moments they were so cute and I could tell they would end up being friends.

I walked back inside to where Mitch and Casey were on the lounge and sat in between them, I sat quietly while the two boys talked about football after a while I got bored so I went to walk outside to where the girls were but Mitchell stopped me "tay im about to go fight in an hour Casey's coming with me will you be alright looking after miles and the girls?"
"Yeah I'll be fine but don't we have to pick jackson up tonight?"
"I think he's sleeping there"
"Well then yeah I'll be fine"
Both the boys thanked me as I walked outside to join the girls in kicking the ball, they were laughing and looked like they were having a lot of fun.

I walked up stairs to see if miles wanted to play hide and go seek since the girls wanted to play it, miles has been trying super hard to get back on track after we had that talk and I can't wait for him to meet Jessica because that will just help that little bit more
"Hey miles" I said knocking on his door
"Come in"
I walked in to see a miles playing computer games and said "wanna play hide and seek with the girls we can team up"
"Yeah sure" he said as he got up and followed me back outside.

We decided to do scissors paper rock to see who would count first and jade and Kim lost so they started counting while miles and I found a hiding spot, we hid at the far end of our backyard behind this massive tree and it was the first time in a long time I actually saw a real smile on miles face while we joked around and tried to be quiet, I peaked out to see jade looking in the kitchen through the window and Kimberly looking at the front of the yard, miles giggled at them looking where we weren't were so I pushed him gently and shh him which made him laugh again and then be quiet.

I was honestly glad Casey went to the fight with Mitchell because it gave me a bonding experience with my brother that I haven't had in ages and if Casey was around I probably wouldn't of gotten this moment, we were there for a few more moments until the first found us because miles was kneeling down and lost his balance falling over causing a loud noise and for them to see where we were I couldn't help myself but laugh I knew he would be the one to give us away he sucks at this game where as us girls are good at this game
"Found you found you" the girls screamed as they gave each other a cute hug which made my heart melt they already had such a cute friendship
"Good job" I said while hi five them while miles was still laying on the floor so I wink at jade to tell her to do something with the poor miles so she decided to jump on him making him Goan we all laughed so hard and after a few moments miles joined in, this has been the best family day in so long and miles was having a good time and not once has he yelled or became angry, he now actually wanted to change and I think he realised what his actions were doing to himself and others.

It was now mine and miles turn to count and look for the girls, there better at this than miles is so chance are they will be harder and longer to find, once we were done counting we checked outside first behind all the trees and every hiding spot there was we even checked the shed then we walked inside to check every room, I checked the kitchen while miles checked the lounge room, I looked around and started opening the cupboards they were small enough to fit in there, I checked the food walk in cupboards and there they were two cheeky girls trying to not laugh
"Miles I found them" I yelled out as he cane running I started ticking them making them nearly fall over while laughing too hard and miles was standing behind me laughing at the two little sweet girls
"Okay who's hungry and who wants pizza?
They all shouted me so I ordered some pizza and put a movie on while we waited, jackson wasn't home tonight, sasha was at work and I didn't know what time Mitchell and Casey would get back since there's no finishing timing when the fights will finish.

Yeah right the fight I hadn't thought about that all night and I just hope my brother is in one piece and is okay but I'm sure if something was wrong Casey would of called me by now I decided to message him while the kids were watching Spider-Man once again "hey everything okay? How's Mitchell going - tay"
He replied seconds later "everything's good he's in his second match now and he's beating their asses"
"I'm glad to hear"
And just like that I felt a weight lift off my shoulders knowing my brother was once doing okay again.

A few more minutes and the pizza was here, we decided to eat in the lounge room on the floor because the kids wanted to still watch the movie, they were obviously hungry because they ate more than they usually would guess that game made them that hungry.

It was starting to get late and near jades bedtime so I decided to message Casey again "hey want Kimberly to sleepover it's getting late"
"Yes please it looks like this fight is going to be a long one tonight"
"No worries"
"Bed time girls Kim your brother said you can sleepover" I said while putting my phone away
"Yay" the girls said as they hugged each other
I walked them upstairs and tucked them in tight giving them both a kiss on the forehead "goodnight girls" I said as I walked out of the room back downstairs to where miles was
"Are you tired" I said as I sat down next to miles
" a little but can I stay up for a little longer" he said giving me his puppy eyes
"I guess that's fine"

Miles cuddled up to me as we watched some random cartoons on the tv, he eventually fell asleep on me and I enjoyed it I did these things with jade and jackson but never with miles and I was happy with how he was today, I decided to just stay there next to him since I knew he would be way too heavy to carry to bed and eventually I fell asleep too.

I woke up to Mitchell and Casey walking in the door
"How'd it go"
"Great I won again" Mitchell cheered
I smiled and said "that's great"
"Wow isn't this cute" he replied pointing to a certain miles sleeping on me
"Yeah he had a really good time today playing hide and seek with the girls"
Mitch gave me the biggest smile and said "I'm glad to hear that" and they both walked up stairs
"Wait" I yelled out
"Yeah" Mitch replied
"Can you carry miles to bed please"
He nodded his head and came to lift miles taking him to his room I followed behind and decided to tuck him in "I love you buddy" I said as I made my way to my bedroom sleep calling my name

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