15 // Mitchells POV

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Mitchell's POV..

I let a couple hours pass since Taylor left home I knew she needed time to cool off as much as I didn't want her out alone in the state she was, it was time to find my baby sister and comfort her so just like that I hopped in my car and drove around our streets, I tried calling her a few times while I was looking for her but I got no answer, I was starting to get worried.

I knew how badly our mothers actions could hurt us sometimes she had a way of doing and saying things that killed us inside but sometimes we just didn't show it because we wanted to be strong for the younger ones, please be okay Taylor please be safe.

As much as I didn't show it most of the times Taylor was my favourite sibling and the one I wanted to protect the most, she was so damn strong while sasha and I were providing money for the family she was at home dealing with mums and miles bullshit she was at home trying to keep everything under control, I wish she had her own life to live and I wish for anything in this world that she could just be happy because if I knew one person thag deserved to be happy it would be my sister Taylor Johnson.

Just as I was in my own thoughts I saw a couple cars parked around something and an ambulance, I didn't want it to be what I was thinking but there was only one way to find out so like that I got out of my car and walked to where the crime is I saw the top of her head and knew instantly that was my fucking sister laying on the road looking helpless
"Excuse me sir this is a crime you can't be here" one of the ambulance chicks said
I froze for a few minutes not being able to move until she once spoke again "sir?"
"That's my fucking sister" was all I could say
"Okay please follow me so I can let you know what I know and get her information"
I nodded my head as I followed the lady to where one of the ambulance was parked my heart beating as I got a better view of my sister, please be okay
"What's her name how old is she" the lady asked me as I answered them she asked me a few more questions about Taylor while they got her into the ambulance to try and work on her even more
"She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and the car was going at a high speed and didn't have enough time to slow down" the lady said my eyes were on where they were taking my sister though
"Is the car going to get fine?" I asked crossing my arms
"We don't know yet" she replied
I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my car following the ambulance to the hospital.

Why did I let this happen? I felt like it was my fault maybe I should of just made her stay home and none of this would happen now she had to go to hospital and possibly fucking fight for her life.

I just wanted to make this better I wanted to make her pain stop I didn't want to be hurting by seeing my baby sister get rushed off to hospital like that, why didn't I come and find her earlier? Or better yet not let her go out at all? But I knew that wouldn't of worked as she was as stubborn as I was.

We finally reached the hospital making my hear pound faster and faster, I went to the reception and told them about Taylor and they told me her room number I pretty much ran there I didn't want her to be alone and I still blamed myself so maybe I felt guilty if I did leave her alone for too long.

As I walked through her hospital room my heart dropped at the sight, she was already hooked up to all these different Machines, she wasn't respondable, she was laying there lifeless not able to talk or move, if it wasn't for the machines keeping her alive than I don't know what would happen, I took a deep breathe as I walked closer to her bed just staring down at her after a while I sat down in the chair next to her bed and held her hand, she didn't feel like her warm self yet her hand felt cold as ever, I finally allowed the tears to fall from this sight I was shaking and very scared for the first time in my life.

After a while talking to a lifeless Taylor holding her hand and crying my eyes out I realised no one else knew beside me I picked my phone out of my pocket to already realised I had a message from sasha that read "where are you" I took another deep breathe before calling her to let her know what happened, her voice cracked as soon as I said the words she was trying to hold in her tears I could just hear by the tone in her voice she hung up and said she would tell the kids and be there as soon as they could I then decided to call casey and all of her friends, casey started yelling and swearing not exactly at me just at the situation, Charlotte couldn't talk all she could do was cry, addie the sweet addie was still trying to make sure everyone else was okay before she let herself fall, it was the first time I actually heard Kyle cry, Amy and jasmine cried there eyes out and told me they would be there as soon as they could, Caleb started yelling aswell and Luke was in denial.

They were all hurting because of me I couldn't help but think it was my fault and that they wouldn't have to go through this if it wasn't for me being a better protective brother.

After a while everyone slowly showed up surrounding a lifeless Taylor , they all had puffy red eyes and looked either upset or angry or even both, she had a lot of people that loved her and cared for her and yet she didn't realise that she didn't realise how loveable she actually was, I just hoped maybe one day she would notice just how loveable and amazing she actually is.

No one seemed like their truely happy self but that didn't surprise me, Taylor brought the life out in everyone and now she was fighting for her own life
"You got this tay we're all here for you so you need to wake up" Charlotte said while crying her little eyes out
"Taylor I miss you" jade said after that which just made me cry even more jade needed her big sister
"So wake the fuck up because we all miss your annoying head" casey said he was beyond angry
And everyone else just stayed quiet while they watched Taylor carefully and cried there eyes out.

You need to wake up Taylor Johnson you still have tour whole life ahead of you your so fucking young and have so much to live for please get through this.

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