12 // its my birthday

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A month later..

A lot can happen in one months, miles kept going to his appointments with Jessica and started up soccer he wanted that to be his activity that he did to keep his mind off things even if we suggested boxing so he could hit a bag, we're still thinking of getting a punching bag just incase miles or anyone else needs it, miles has only had a couple outbursts which were really impressed about and he also went on some meds to calm him down a little and for me, I'm loving my job and I'm actually getting really good at it, I've also made some new friends at my work like Amy Caleb Luke and jasmine, they made work that bit much more fun even Casey and I got closer this pass month, weird right? I never saw Casey and I becoming friends but here we were, he even started to take me to work and pick me up afterwards just so we could hang out a little bit more, we really connected over this month, we talked we got to know each other more and he actually had another side that wasn't all bad and annoying.. he took me out for lunches and helped me with the kids he even came to a couple of miles appointments he was starting to become my bestfriend and for our mother she hasn't changed, she actually hasn't been home in two weeks, we haven't heard from her and we don't know where she is, Mitchell sasha miles and jackson don't mind at all were actually enjoying it but jade is a different story she's been asking where she is and all different questions that we just can't answer.

And now today's my birthday and I'm having a few friends come over for a bonfire and maybe some drinks which is a first for me.. I've never had more than one person come over actually to think about it only Charlotte has ever stayed the night and actually come inside but today I'm having addie Kyle Charlotte Amy jasmine Luke Caleb and Casey come over to help me celebrate my 17th birthday and it also made it easier for me to not have our mother here to actually allow people to come over without any drama because if mum was here she would of somehow made the whole night shit and about her.

Everything was set up, the food the tables the chairs and the bonfire, there was only one more hour til everyone would arrive so I quickly ran upstairs to get ready myself, I took a long warm shower and chucked on ripped white jeans with a black crop top and a white denim jacket over the top, I curled the bottom of my hair and put a little bit of makeup on and I was ready to go.

After I finished getting ready I heard the doorbell rang I thought maybe someone was early but then I looked at the time and they were right on time, I ran down the stairs to see Charlotte and addie
"Hey girls" I said as I answered the door and let them in
"Hey babes" char said
"Hey happy birthday" addie said as they both pulled me into a hug and handed me a present
"This is from both of us" addie said
I thanked them both as I started to open the gift
They got me a frame of all different birthdays and memories there was even photos of when we were kids in there and then they got me a bestfriend necklace I loved it I gave them a quick hug as the door bell rang again and this time it was Kyle he pulled me into a big bear hug as I answered the door which made me giggle
"Hello to you too" I said as we pulled away
"Yeah yeah happy birthday tay tay" he said as he gave me a little push
"Thankyou" he jusg gave me a birthday card with some money in it which made me thankful
Next to arrive was jasmine Amy Luke and Caleb looked like they came all together I gave them all a hug as they wished me happy birthday and each handed me a present
Amy got me some gorgeous pandora
Jasmine got me a cute outfit a polka dot dress with flats and a cute sliver bracelet
Luke also got me a card and money
And Caleb got me a photo album for our future memories and his favourite movie
I had some amazing friends.
To my surprise Casey was the last one to be here since he lived next door I laughed as I opened the door to him at the thought of him being the last one here but living the closest
"What's so funny sunshine" he said as he gave me a hug
"Just the fact your the last one here but live the closest"
He rolls his eyes as he leans into me and whisper "it takes time to look this sexy sunshine" I just roll my eyes and push him off me but I'll admit him doing that made me shiver
He handed me a present which I was surprised again I didn't expect him to get me anything
He got me a beautiful bracelet that had my name on it and two tickets for the speedway I was more than excited since I've never been to speedway and have always wanted to watch it, without thinking I jump into his arms repeating thankyou over and over again which made him laugh.

After everyone was here I led everyone out the back and started the bonfire up.

I took a moment to look around and appreciate all my friends, the girls were sitting by the bonfire and talking getting to know each other and the boys were doing the same, I usually just do something with Charlotte Addison and Kyle on my birthdays but not this year, this birthday I made 5 extra friends to celebrate it with, while I was staring at my friends admiring them and in my own thoughts I notice Casey already staring at me I gave him a confused looked and mouthed what and he mouthed back that I looked beautiful which made me blush, I tried to hide it as best as I could but obviously failed as he gave me one of his cheesy smirks.

Jade and jackson ran out and they looked pretty puff my guess was they ran through the house
"You guys good?" Casey said while looking
"Yeah hungry" jade replied
"Yeah when's dinner tay" jackson said giving me a sassy look that made us all giggle
"Yeah tay" Casey said crossing his arms which just made me roll my eyes
"Do you want me to cook or order pizza" I said to everyone
"Pizza" everyone yelled out which made me laugh again
The kids were doing some little happy dance which made everyone join me in laughing
So just like that I ordered everyone pizza, the kids shared two pizzas between them and we got a few to share ourself.

While we waited for our pizza to arrive we all got our own marshmallows put them on a stick and roasted them in a fire it was pretty funny to watch everyone's attempt at doing it, some were good at it while others were horrible, all the girls beside jasmine were good at it jasmine already lost one Marshmello in the fire, Caleb lost three which made me nearly fall over from laughing and Casey lost one and when he realised I was laughing at him he stoked my marshmallow off my stick which made me punch him on the arm and everyone laughed after I did that even some of them told Casey that's what he gets, no one messes with my food.

After a while of mucking around outside our pizza was finally here, we all ate in the lounge room, us girls sat on the floor with the kids while the guys sat on the lounge, we chucked a movie on that was Luke's choice the 10 things I hate about you
"Dude why's you pick a chick flick" Caleb said as we sat down
"Yeah Lukey" Casey replied to calebs comment
"Because it's a good movie" Luke replies in a girly voice causing us all to laugh
After a while they shut up and dealt with it or maybe because they were jusg too busy eating their pizza.

Once we were finished our food I paused the movie so I could set up our sleep spot on the floor I put a couple sheets down and a few pillows but I realised I only had 6 blankets
"Guys I only had six blankets" I said as I put the blankets down on the floor
"That's okay maybe two of us can just share a blanket each" addie said
"Everyone cool with that?" I said looking at everyone
"Yeah" they all replied
"I'm sharing with Taylor" Caleb said I nodded my head and an angry looking Casey caught my eye why did he look so pissed at that?
Charlotte and addie  shared
Jasmine and Amy shared
Luke and Kyle shared
Caleb and I shared
And Casey got his own blanket
I laid down next to Caleb on my left and Kyle on my right.

Half way through the movie we heard snoring and we all looked around to see who it was at the same time and then we finally noticed it was jasmine, I wink at all of them and threw a pillow at her making her jump and everyone laughing which just turned into a pillow fight I was happy with my group of friends they brought out the child inside me, it was only a short pillow fight because we were all pretty tired and eventually we fell asleep.

I've had the birthday I could of dreamed of with the closest people in my life and I couldn't of been happier with the way today turned out to be.

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