25 // company

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i woke up to five kids jumping on me and on my bed
"what do yous want" i said while trying to cover my head with the blanket
"park" they all yelled out
"okay okay let me wake up first"
"fine" they all complained
the joys of having a big family and this is why if i ever had a kid of my own i only wanted one since i also had the responsibility of looking after my siblings as well but by the time i have a kid if i do they will all be grown up.

Honestly I wanted a lazy day but I knew I wasn't going to get that so I dragged myself out of bed and took the longest shower I could possibly take, got dressed into comfy and warm clothes and checked my phone to see I had a new message from casey
"What you doing today cupcake" it read and I couldn't help but smile
"Unfortunately taking my siblings to the park you?"
"Was hoping to see you"
"Your more than welcome to come?"
"I'd love to I'll be over in 5"

Maybe this day wouldn't be as bad as I thought at least I didn't have to be alone watching the kids play and at least I'd have casey company.

I walked downstairs to see if all the kids were ready but as I did so there was a knock on there door, that definitely wasn't 5 minutes more like one second, as soon as I opened the door for Casey he pulled me into a big hug making me blush, how could one playboy have this sweet and cute side?

We took to cars to the park another perk of having a big family, casey took miles jackson and Alex in his car and I took jade and Ryder in mine, fuck these two kids were so adorable in general and together, it was torture though at the same time since they wanted to listen to let it go for than twice and other frozen songs but listening to them sing their little lungs out and laugh at them self was worth it.

We finally stopped at the park and all the kids jumped out of the car and ran towards the playground
"Wait up" I yelled out as I tried to patiently wait for casey to get out of the car but they didn't listen to me at all and I was only glad that the playground was still in sight so I could watch them.
Casey and I walked over to a bench that was in front of the park and laughed at my siblings being silly and cute on the way there
"I'm glad you invited me your siblings are cute but your even cuter" casey said taking me back
"I'm glad you came and aww thankyou" I replied trying to hide my blush but obviously failed once again since casey giggled at me.

The kids were having a blast running around and I was even having fun myself but Everytime I hung out with casey I was always having fun he just brought that side out of me, he always knew how to cheer me up with his cute comments and the way he laughed and oh god that stupid smirk of his, I was glad I wasn't alone being bored while my siblings were playing, sasha had work today and Mitchell had to train for a fight coming up so they both wouldn't of been able to come today but I didn't mind at all because that just meant I could talk to Casey with no one else around because the kids were too busy playing.

Ryder ran up to me and collapsed in to my arms
"You okay buddy" I said abit worried
"Scary man" he said and pointed to a dad watching his daughter
I took a deep breath and realised Ryder thought he was scary because he was around our dads age and had a beard and kind of looked like our father
"It's okay buddy he won't hurt you he's not him and I'm here watching you okay?"
"Now go play with your siblings and don't leave them to be safe"
"Okay sissy" he said as he ran off again
I realised that casey didn't know anything about our father and that's why at this time he was giving me a weird and worried look a look that told me and asked me what was that about
"Is everything okay?" He asked
"Yeah jusg our father" I replied my voice shaky but he decided to not push it anymore but I realised that maybe I should somewhat tell him about what happened
"Our father isn't the best man and has hurt us all in someway" I said trying not to let the tears fall
"You don't have to tell me tay"
"I know but I want to since you will see the kids do stuff like that sometimes" I said "he was fucked up he bashed our mum when she was pregnant he bashed us he even tried to rape sasha and I at one point but Mitchell came just in time to save us, that was before miles was born and then he done the fucked up thing and left for a younger woman and had those two boys he even killed his first son that I knew nothing about until I went into that coma because I saw him" I added allowing the tears to finally fall
Casey put his arm around my shoulder and said "that's some fucked up shit none of you deserved to go through that and I'm proud of you for staying strong and providing for your family and not letting that bastard win"
I could tell casey was angry by what I just told him since his jaw was tense and his other fist was in a punch ready to punch something or someone
"Thankyou" I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and after that we just spoke about random things and enjoyed the time we were having together.

I was glad I got somewhat of my past out to casey he deserved to know especially with Ryder having nightmares and getting scared every now and then and he didn't judge me he was just simply being there for me and was hoping I was okay, he tried his best to make me laugh and get my mind off things but he didn't have to try very hard Casey always seemed to make me in a better mood
"How about we take the kids to get ice cream" I said to casey
"That sounds like a good plan" he replied
So I walked over to the playground to excited kids as soon as they heard we were going to get ice cream so we made our way to the ice cream place.

All the kids were talking together while casey and I were watching them until miles turned to us and said "do you like my sister" oh god here we go
"I do I really do" casey said while smirking causing me to blush yet again
"Just don't hurt her she deserves the world" miles replied aww my brother was so cute sometimes
"I won't miles I promise she deserves the world and more" casey replied and miles just simply nodded god how could those two be so cute right now?

It was actually really nice hanging out with Casey and my siblings and seeing Casey bond with the kids, he sure as hell was good with kids and that just made me realise even more about how much I liked or even possibly loved casey... I still wasn't too sure on the love word in the same sentence as Casey, I knew I had strong feelings for him and I liked him but I was unsure if I loved him truely yet, I knew it popped up in my head here and there but I didn't exactly know what it meant.

We made our way home after we were all done with our ice cream and as I was about to invite Casey inside I got a call from work
"Hold on" I said to casey as I answered the phone and he just nodded his head
"Hello Taylor speaking"
"Hey Taylor it's Amy, jasmine called in sick for tonight's shift and I'm sorry it's late but by any chance could you cover for her and start in a hour?"
"Yeah no problem I'll see you then"
"Thankyou so much" she replied as she hung up
"Im so sorry I was going to invite you in but I got called in to work"
"That's okay I'll see you tomorrow"
"You will?" I asked abit confused
"Yes for our date"
"We has a date" I asked still confused
"We do now pick you up at 6" he said as he walked away making me stand there like an idiot blushing.

I actually didn't mind working night shrift I had it once before and actually enjoyed it more, it was always laid back at night and it also gave us the chance to get to know our co workers better and for my luck it seemed like Amy was on tonight's shift, she hardly ever took night shifts and she only worked during the day so it was abit of a surprise for her to be working tonight.

When I finally got to work, there was only a couple sitting down and eating, Amy was at the counter and there was a couple workers working in the kitchen
"Hey tay" Amy said as I walked behind the counter
"Hey Amy quiet night?" I asked
"Sure is"
And like that we talked until customers came in and this is why I enjoyed night shrift, maybe the fact because we were hardly working or the fact we got to talk a lot, at some point I even walked into the kitchen to Caleb and another worker Daniel, they were pretty funny together which also made work that more interesting and exciting.

I only had to work for five hours thankfully since I was so exhausted from the park and then from work but the plus side of it was they gave me the day off tomorrow so I got to sleep in even if I wanted to work for the extra money I was happy that I got to sleep.

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