20 // new  responsibilities

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I woke up with the same thoughts and questions in my head that I had last night so I must of been right and I must be gaining feelings for Casey.. but the thing is he was still unsure of his own feelings and even if I was willing to risk it all for this one guy he wasn't certain and I don't know if he will ever be.

Another fact was I didn't go to my bestfriend for help and advice instead I went to Casey Black and that also had to mean something since I always went to Charlotte and this one time I didn't and it led to an amazing day, I seriously needed to go do something I was starting to drive myself crazy..

So I decided to go downstairs where all my siblings were, the kids were watching some shit on tv while sasha and Mitchell were doing something on the laptop
"What are y'all doing" I said giving them all a frighten
"Research" Mitchell said shrugging his shoulders
"Come here we have a photo of our brothers"
So I sat next to sasha since the laptop was on her lap and looked at this photo of our brothers, far our they both looks like our father, they both had his dark hair but our light blue eyes, the youngest reminded me so much of jade
"How did you get these?" I asked still staring at the photo
"Our fathers bimbo well her name is Jacey and she sent them to me and both of the boys names are Alex and Ryder" sasha replied at least they had cute names I guess
"Which one is which" I replied
"The oldest is Alex and the youngest is Ryder"
I nodded my head and said "any more information?"
"Yeah jacey wants them safe but I don't know what she was referring to so I'm just waiting for a reply" sasha said
"Right" so we all sat around the laptop waiting for a reply to see what jacey meant

After a few more moments of patiently waiting she replied with "your dad isn't very fit to either the boys and me and I cant really escape him but the boys can if you're willing to take them into your care I know you guys must have a lot of responsibility with the other kids and I'll understand if you can't but I need them safe and as much as this will kill me I need to do what's right for them Alex always begs me to leave and we'll Ryder just doesn't quite understand"
Wow that was deep and powerful I thought to myself
"Uh what do I even say to that?" Sasha said once she was done reading it
"Maybe we should meet up with her and the boys to discuss it more and find out more about the situation" I replied sasha nodded her head in agreement and replied to the message "that's understandable and I'm glad that they at least have a good mum, how about we meet up with you and the boys and talk more about this situation?"
This time it took her quicker to reply "yes how does tomorrow sound since your dad is going away for work for two days"
"Sounds good see you then" and with that it was all planned out and we would still find out more about the boys and about everything.
"So what who's going to come tomorrow?" I said randomly because if the kids didn't come one of us would have to stay back
"Good question what do you think Mitch?" Sasha said
"It would be good for us all to go so the boys can meet us all at once but if not I can stay home with the kids"
Jade yelled out "I want to come"
"Well I guess were all going then" I replied this was such a new deal and would be a huge step but the boys needed to be safe and that's what we were going to make sure of.

The next day..

Today was the day we would all find out unanswered questions we had, I honestly didn't know how it was going to turn out and I was quite scared about that but I knew we had to do it and as much as miles was unsure about it he knew that we needed to keep them safe and understood that and surprisingly jade and jackson were taking it pretty well and were somewhat excited about maybe having more kids in the house and as for the oldest ones Mitchell sasha and I we were freaking out knowing that we possibly have to support two more people with clothes food sports and everything else that comes with kids, we would have to make more room for them and some kids were going to have to share.

Soon enough we were on our way to this small park half way in the middle of both of our houses, everyone was pretty quiet besides jade and jackson who were talking to each other I guess everyone else was wondering what was about to happen and how this will all go down to plan, we were about to meet up with the woman my dad cheated on my mum with and had two other kids with when he should of knew he wasn't a fit father the first time he had a kid and when he decided to just kill him.

After a long ass drive we finally reached the small park that only a couple kids and parents were at, we were greeted by a dark hair lady that was jacey and two little boys in the car park, the boys looked scared I could just tell by looking at them Ryder was hiding behind his mum and Alex was all cuddled up to her side, she looked exhausted and scared herself so why didn't she want to run as far as she could?
"Hello I'm sasha the one you've been messaging" jacy nodded her head as we all interduced ourself and walked over to the nearest table to talk, jade and jackson went to play and the boys were to scared to leave their mother alone
"Why don't you want to get out of there yourself?" I said
"Because I just can't he has too much power and if the boys leave he will be fine but if I leave I don't know what will happen" she replied i think we were all a little shock by her words
"Did he say something or do something to make you feel like that?" Mitchell asked
"Yes one night I packed everything up and told him we were leaving and he said I can't go anywhere otherwise the boys will pay, I don't get him he wants me around but he doesn't care if the boys are around or not"
"Does he hurt you? Or just the boys?" Mitchell asked
Jacy took a few minutes to reply "Uh sometimes but mainly when I don't give him something he wants like sex or money but he mainly goes after the boys and when I step in they get even more hurt"
I didn't realise I was crying until she said that
"So what do you want to do? You all don't deserve this shit he's not a good father nor is he a good partner do you know he had a son before Mitchell?" I said
"No I didn't know"
"Well he killed him"
She was shock and couldn't find the words to say so I said "do you have anyone that can help you?"
"No my father is dead and I don't want to get my mum involve besides that I have no one"
That made my heart break even more for her
"So what do you want to do?" Sasha asked
"I can look after myself but I don't want the boys to have to deal with this anymore there only kids"
"So you want us to take them?" Sasha asked
"Yes please"
"Will you see them still?" I asked
"I don't know if that's the best idea"
"They have a fucked up fathwr but they have a good mother they still need to see you" I said getting angry at her statement
"I know but I can't allow him to find out and follow me"
"That's understandable I guess" sasha said
"What will you say when he realises the boys are gone?" I asked
"That I put them up for adoption took them to the foster system care"
"Good cause he can't know there with us otherwise you'll put us all in danger" I replied
"I know" she said looking at both of her boys
"Are you sure this is the best thing?" Mitchell asked
"It has to be hopefully one day they will understand I just wanted the best for them and that I was just trying to protect them and that's why I couldn't come back" said said with tears rolling down her cheeks
"Are you going to be okay?" Sasha asked
"Honestly I don't know"
"You need to get help for yourself and put him behind bars" Mitchell replied
"I know but I'm scared with what's going to happen if he doesn't go to jail or when he gets out"
"That's true but you need to take the risk because you yourself can't live like this" I replied
"I guess"
"Is there anything else we need to know?" Sasha asked
"I don't think so I wrote on a paper what the boys like to do and eat and all the things you need to know and some of their things are in bags in the car"
We all nodded our head as we called over jade and jackson so we could go to the car to get the boys things, we put them in our car as the boys said their final goodbye to their mother, Alex somewhat understand but Ryder was screaming crying and not knowing what was going on so once they were done I had to carry Ryder to our car and put him in which was easy since he was kicking and screaming.

Our new adventure begins as an even bigger family and I don't know how I feel about this just yet all I know is were all scared.

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