19 // secrets are finally coming out

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Another week passed and I was finally able to go home.. I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of this hospital, Casey hadn't came back to see me and everyone kept asking me where he was something I couldn't answer but they all seemed pretty shock that he wasn't hear since he was always here, mum hadn't been home since I've been hit which I was glad about otherwise I'd want to stay in this hell of a hospital but instead I get to go home to a peaceful home with only my siblings around.

As we reached our house reality hit me, this meant I'd have to tell them what and who I saw
"Guys I need to tell you all something" I said as we entered the lounge room
They all nodded their head waiting for me to continue all looking abit worried and so I told them everything who jack was what he said and that it happened right before I woke up they all looked as confused as I was
"Wait so we had another brother that our dad killed?" Mitchell asked not taking it in straight away
"Correct" I replied
"Well fuck" miles said
"Miles language" I said
"Well I guess this would be a good time to tell you all something I found out" sasha said I snapped my neck to look at her confused about what she said
"We have two brothers that our dad had once he left I don't know their names but I know one is 7 and the other one is 5 and from what I know it seems like our father hasn't changed and beats the fuck out of them both and fuck knows what else" she continued saying
All of our mouths opened making them shape as an O
"And how did you find this out" Mitchell asked for all of us
"I spoke to his bimbo" she replied
"What the hell sasha why would you do that?" I asked
"Because I wanted to know if our unknown brothers were safe y'all don't have to understand but I had to do this for myself"
"Does he hurt her?" Mitchell asked
"Not that I know of but he does use her for money and sex"
"What's sex" jade asked
"You'll find out when your older" I replied "so what now?" I added
"I don't know that's why I wanted to talk to you guys"
I looked at Mitchell to see what he thought and waited til he finally replied "I guess we need to meet up with his bimbo and do research on the kids and go from there see if it's that bad that we need to take them in as much as I don't want to their family and I know what our dad is like"
We all nodded our head in agreement but the younger kids didn't seem too impressed that we might have to bring two other kids home.

After that conversation I went to lay down in my own bed oh how I missed the comfort of my own room and bed, I still couldn't process everything that just happened it looked like I wasn't the only one that needed to tell the family something but having to provide for two other kids could we really do that? Some days we struggle with just us and now that our brothers that we don't know anything about might be in danger and might need us they probably don't even know they have other siblings, I didn't know what to do or what to even think, I knew miles didn't like the idea just by the expression on his face, jade would love to have a younger siblings and someone close in age but wait a minute that means he cheated on mum, I ran downstairs where everyone still was and yelled out "wait one of the kids is 7?"
"Correct" sasha replied
I palmed my forehead before replying "thag means he cheated on mum"
"Oh shit I didn't even think of that" sasha said
Everyone went quiet for a few moments before Mitchell spoke "what else could that man fucking do to this family"
And that was just another reason to hate our father for.
As much as our mother wasn't a very good mother she used to be and we still loved her for who she used to be but that man put her through hell and back and we probably don't even know the half of it.

I laid in bed for the rest of the day especially since I was still meant to be on bed rest which I hated but doctor's orders, I started at my roof for what felt like forever just thinking about everything that we just found out, how could one man be so horrible and have so many kids when he should of realised that he wasn't fit at being a father when he killed jack his first kid, what jack said to me was replaying over and over in my head so was sashas words, we couldn't trust our parents and now our father had two other kids that needed protecting, we already got rid of our mother hopefully now it was our fathers turn, man why did we have to always go through this bullshit?

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