3 // siblings

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Today was the first day in a long time I didn't wake up to miles demanding for food instead I woke up to a text message from Charlotte telling me about some stupid party
"Girly someone's throwing a party everyone's invited and were all going I'll pick you up at 6 x"
I really didn't feel like going to a party I was exhausted from yesterday's bullshit still but I guess this is a way to get out of the house away from the bullshit so I just simply replied "sure sounds good"

After that was dealt with I ran to Mitchell's room to see if he was still in one piece
"Yo bro you good?" I said as I entered the room
"Yeah I won the fight"
And just like that I jumped up and down on his bed making him Goan "fuck off Taylor"
I laughed and hop off the bed, he only had one small scratch on his face so he must of done pretty good, what did I even have to be scared about? He's one of the best fighters around I've seen him fight but that one time he went to hospital scared the fuck out of me, he had a hard day with the family and with his ex girlfriend so he wasn't in the game at all but that was only one bad day.

After I stayed in Mitchell's room for a bit just chatting to him I decided to walk downstairs to get food but what I saw was something I wasn't expecting, miles punching Jackson why? Why would he want to hurt a sweet and innocent kid, I lost my shit at the sight of it
He didn't reply he only smiled at me
"Get the fuck off jackson I'm honestly sick of your shit and your actions you honestly need fucking help instead of taking your anger out of your fucking family your just pushing us away and your turning out like our fucking father is that what you want?" I snapped
"Do not compare me to that monster" he replied
"Well stop fucking acting like him then you don't remember what he put us through but I sure as hell do"
"I'm not fucking acting like him I'm not like him" he said as he punch jackson in the gut
This time I chucked him off jackson throwing him on the ground
"This is the exact fucking thing he used to do to our mother if you can't see that your actions are like him than your more stupid than I thought" at this point I really didn't care what came out of my mouth everyone else started running down the stairs to see what was going on I was sick of his shit and him thinking it's okay to treat everyone else like shit
"What the hell is going on" Mitchell asked he did not look impressed
"Your fucked up brother bashing jackson" I snapped
"I didn't bash anyone" miles replied
"Really then you didn't just punch the fuck out of jackson" I said "that's called bashing someone kid" I added
"Whatever I don't care what it's called"
"Shut the fuck up miles and pull your head in and stop fucking doing shit like this" sasha said I guess everyone had enough, while our mother was just sitting down watching tv to drunk to care
Miles started crying after everyone having a big dig at him, what did he want us to comfort and support him now? After he's doing more damage than this family needs?
He ran up to his room up stairs, I had enough I was drained I was sick of having to deal with this and it was about time my siblings stepped in.

For a few minutes I was trying my best to comfort jackson until we all heard yelling and smashing from up stairs
"Mitchell you go deal with that one I've had enough"
He nodded his head and rushed up stairs, my main focus right now was making sure jackson was okay, I was done with mikes crap and he reminded me way to much of my father and I hated him with everything I had inside me. I was drained I was exhausted from always having to deal with something everyday, I couldn't even live my life because I was too busy making sure my siblings were safe and okay and that miles wasn't doing something stupid again.

Mitchell's POV
I rushed up stairs and banged the door down, I didn't know what I was expecting and when I walked in I was disgusted, his room was a mess everything was all over the place, he had a hole in the wall, his bed was up side down, it was a fucking mess and no wonder why Taylor was sick of it and didn't want to deal with this, I'm glad she didn't have to see this and that I'm the one that came up here
"Miles what the fuck have you done?" I asked with anger and sadness filled in my voice
"What does it look like"
"You need help and I'm not taking no for an answer we're all trying to help you but you won't let us in you won't talk to us you just shut us out and take it out on us and were all sick of it" I didn't know what else to do at this point I didn't know what to say to him to make him realise what he was doing wasn't okay
"I don't need help Mitchell"
"What so you'd jusg rather take it out on all of us then and push your family away until you don't have one left? Then what are you going to do? You need to change this shit miles and if we can't change it for you then you need to do it yourself" at this point nothing was getting through his head, our mother was still downstairs not even caring to see what was going on with her son
"I don't know then I'll figure something out" he said shrugging his shoulders
"So you don't care if you lose us?"
"No not really"
What was wrong with this kid? That one sentence killed me I wanted my little brother back I wanted him to be his sweet self that I knew he could be but he wasn't taking any of it he wasn't listening to any of us and I just didn't know what to do anymore, I didn't know how to help him or any of my siblings, I felt like I was just as bad as miles but I'm different ways, I gave snappy comments to my siblings but I didn't go fuck everything up like he has I play chicks and don't care about there feelings just because I'm hurting I go and hurt chicks, was thag who he was turning into? But instead he was doing it to his family, there all just kids and they don't get to enjoy there childhood like sasha Taylor and I somewhat did, he didn't deal with our fathers shit until there was other kids in the family to consider we stuck together until more kids came into the picture it changed everything and I was lost on what to do anymore, I hated seeing my sisters exhausted because of miles actions.

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