11 // Miles

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Today was going to be a big day, I knew it and I could feel it, I had to go to work and then pick up miles for his first appointment with Jessica.

The cafe was quiet today which I didn't mind because it only meant I could get to know my co workers better and I even met a few more different staff, it also gave me the chance to practice all the new things I had to learn, that's pretty much how my day rolled out.

There was only a couple of people that walked in every hour or so, even lunch time didn't get busy which usually is the busiest time lunch and dinner.

Work flew by today and before I knew it my shift was over and I had to rush home to get ready to take miles to see Jessica, I was hoping for the best and I was hoping everything went well and our way for once and I was hoping that miles like Jessica.

When I got home I quickly changed out of my work clothes. Lucky miles was already ready otherwise we would of been late, we left pretty much straight away, miles seemed nervous he was very quiet in the car but I knew he would be okay and would do great.

This centre seemed massive, the building was big and inside was even bigger we made our way to the front desk
"Hello miles here has an appointment with Jessica" I said to the lady sitting at the desk
"Okay no worries I'll let Jessica know just take a seat while you wait"
I nodded my head as we made our way to the waiting area
I didn't know if miles wanted me to come in the room for support or if he wanted me to just wait here for him so I looked at him and said "do you want me to come in with you or just wait out here"
Miles paused for a few minutes before answering "is it okay if you just wait here"
"Of course" I replied
I was happy thay he had enough strength to go through this bit alone, he had no pressure with me in the room to be careful with what he says and he'll just be able to talk freely.

A few minutes later a young blonde haired lady called out for miles I wished him luck as he walked away hoping everything went okay for him, I was waiting for him for about an hour until he came out, I was just reading a book on my phone and having a look at some magazines they had here, Jessica walked upto me as miles sat down far away enough so he couldn't here
"How did it go?" I said
"It went good he really opened up and it seems like he has a lot of trauma that is making him play up I think he needs to get into some activities and that might help him" she replied I was happy with their outcome and the fact that miles opened up to a stranger made me happy and that maybe he did want to get better
"Thankyou so much"
"No worries would you like to make another appointment"
"Yes please" I looked over to miles to see when he wanted to make another appointment for
"When do you want to see Jessica again miles"
"Next Tuesday again" I nodded my head as we walked over the desk to put the next appointment in.

I was so proud of miles how he was handling everything so well lately and I was also surprised how he suddenly took a turn for the better, I honestly thought it would of been more hard work than what it has been.

After miles appointment I decided to treat him with something nice and I'm glad he didn't noticed because I wanted it to be a surprise, he must of been so out of it because we drove pass our street and he didn't even question it once maybe that appointment made him more tired than I realised but I wouldn't blame him, talking about your story and your life can be exhausting.

We stopped near a couple of cafe and that's when he started asking questions and when he realised we weren't home or going home
"What are we doing?" He asked while looking at me with a confused look
I smiled at him and said "you'll see" as I led him to a ice cream place
The look on his face was priceless he was so excited especially since we didn't do this often and I knew just how much my little brother loved his ice cream
He gave me a big hug as we walked into the ice cream palace and thanked me which just made my heart melt, he could be cute when he wanted to be and I wish I got to see this side more of him but maybe soon enough I will only see this side of him.m
"Do you want to talk about the appointment with Jessica or are you alright?" I said as we sat down with our ice creams
"I don't know I think I like her and she understands" he replied
"I'm glad to hear thag buddy"
We just left it at that, I didn't push to know more because I knew if he wanted to talk about it he would of said more and all I can say is I'm glad she understands him and he finally has someone to talk to with no judgement and get better.

We spent a couple hour sitting at this palace after we ate our ice cream just talking about random things, I missed this, yeah I had this with jade and jackson but I never had it with miles and he was actually finally trying to get better he realised so many things and I was happy for him and for our family, were not there yet but one step at a time right?

We drove around for a little bit before we made our way home because we both weren't ready to return home just yet and we were both actually enjoying just spending time together, we blasted the music and sung our hearts out and it was actually fun I had a really good time with miles today and I couldn't be prouder of him.

After a while we finally made our way home to see jade jackson sasha Mitch and Casey all sitting in the lounge room watching some movie and laughing at whatever was happening, it was a weird sight to watch since we usually watch movies in one of our rooms since we don't like to be around our mother and incase she comes out of her hiding and starts yelling for no reason again maybe she's out getting drunk and sleeping with some random again.

Miles POV
It was hard talking about the way I am today with someone I didn't even know but I knew I had to do it for myself and my family, I didn't want to turn out to be just like our father yeah I might not remember everything he put us through but I do know he destroyed this family and I didn't want that.

As stubborn as I was I listened to every single words my siblings said to me when I was acting out, I hated hearing them but deep down I knew they were the truth even if I didn't want to admit it.

Today even opened my eyes up more than I realised, talking to Jessica and spending time with my older sister, I actually enjoyed all of it and I didn't realise how much I missed my siblings until today, we used to have fun together and do family bonding time but then things changed for the worse.

I was thankful for Taylor for taking me to the appointment for not giving up on me for saying harsh words that I needed to hear even if I didn't want to and for treating me when I did something right for once, she was the strongest out of all of us and sometimes I don't understand why and maybe it's just a coverup on how she's truely feeling inside maybe she just tries to hide it from all of us because she wants to protect us, she's always wanted to protect us but sometimes she needs protecting herself.

I was also thankful for Mitchell because he was right beside Taylor trying to give me the best and trying to help me as much as Taylor did, which for him is weird he doesn't usually do the helping he usually just puts the food and money on the table he's usually so caught up and focused on his fighting that he doesn't see what's going on and doesn't act on what's going on but maybe seeing Taylor the way she's been lately has made him realise aswell that Taylor needs a break and some help herself. We've all changed in different ways.

Sasha has also helped me get back on my feet but she hasn't done as much as Mitch and tay have but for her trying I'm still thankful for that. She also has other shit going on and she has a job that she needs to go to I don't expect it to always be about me and I don't expect them to always have to help me but they do and for that I'm thankful even if sasha hasn't helped as much she still has in someway.

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