7 // Game plan

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Today was the day if talk to Mitchell and sasha about ways to help and support miles, I woke up already drained for the day ahead of me and I didn't hear any screaming happening which only meant miles was still asleep which I was glad about because it gave me more time to talk to Mitch and sash with no distractions.

I quickly got ready for the day and made my way to sashas room since her room was before Mitchell's, as she told me to come in she was already getting ready for the day aswell I told her to meet me in mum office in about five minutes since I knew she would be sleeping til midday like she usually does, I then go to walk to Mitchell's room to tell him the same thing, after I knocked a couple of times I knew that he was still asleep so I let self in and scream "boo" which made him jump and go flying off the bed which made me fall to the ground laughing
"What the fuck Taylor" he screamed still laying on the floor
"My bad" I shrugged as if nothing just happened
"Is there any reason your in my room this fucking early" I almost forgot how he was like in the morning
"Yes there is actually meet in mums office in five"
"Why would I want to do that" he said as he rolled his eyes getting off the floor
"Because I need to talk to you and Saha about something before everyone wakes up" I said crossing my arms
"Whatever now get out"
He can really be an ass in the morning but that only reminded me of how I sometimes am if someone wakes me up like that too I guess Mitchell and I are more alike than I'd like to admit.

I went downstairs to mums office waiting for Mitchell and sasha to come down, sasha was right on time and of course Mitchell was a few minutes late, he wouldn't be my brother if he wasn't late
"What this about my bed is calling me" Mitchell said sitting down on one of the chairs
"It's about miles we need a game plan to help him out"
Mitchell groaned as he said "that kid always ruining my sleeping" I couldn't help but laugh even if I shouldn't of
"Shut up Mitchell tay is tight this is serious and we need to help him a different way since he isn't listening to us" sasha said in a serious tone
"So what's the plan then boss" Mitchell said while looking at me causing me to roll my eyes god he can be a pain sometimes
"I've done my research maybe we can make him to talk to someone that knows more shit about this and put him in a few activities or kid camps that are like him I also read that a trained dog is a good idea for a kid going through something like miles"
"Not too sure about the dog but everything else sounds good" sasha said
"Why not the good?" Mitchell replied
"Because we already have a full house and miles won't be the one looking after it" sasha said well that is true
"Just think about it and we can call people to ask about what to do and where to go from here if you need to proceed everything"
Sasha simply nodded when Mitchell replied "yeah think that's a good idea and to do more research" I nodded my head at him.

We stayed in the office for a bit longer just catching up and talking it felt like I hadn't had a proper chat with these two in ages and the talk about miles went good than expected, our duty was to get our old miles back whether he was in with it or not. This miles couldn't be here anymore it was destroying our family even more.

As we were all hanging out in mums office waiting for everyone else to wake up we heard yelling, we all rushed up stairs to see it was our mother going off this time at miles
"What the fuck is going on" I shouted
"That little brat stole my alcohol" she replied which made me just roll my eyes he was a kid why would he do that?
"Ever thought maybe you drank it and you were just too drunk to remember" Mitchell said crossing his arms
"Nope I would remember if I drank it or not thanks very much" this woman and the nerve on her
"Well maybe remember harder next time and don't blame it on your son who is only a kid" I said, I looked over to miles who looked scared to death and I knew straight away that he didn't touch it, I might not know this new brother of mine but I definitely know when he's telling the truth and this was one of those moments, he did not touch our fucking mothers alcohol and her even thinking that made me sick to the gut.

I pulled miles into his bedroom while Mitchell went off at our mother about blaming her son that was a kid for that, I didn't want miles near thag and no wonder why he's a changed kid, he has to go through that shit as soon as we closed the bedroom door he started balling his eyes out, I hadn't seen my little brother cry in so long and it was honestly heartbreaking, I hugged him to death, I didn't know how else to comfort him at this moment because there were no words that could make things better for my mothers actions, that was just too far even for her and I was proud how mikes handled it.

I laid down on miles before with my arm under his head and him cuddling into me, miles didn't say a word he just kept crying while I didn't leave his side, he was really hurt by my mothers actions and I hadn't seen this side of him in so long we only saw the angry side of miles, I don't remember the last time miles cuddled upto me and I tried enjoying every moment of it I could even if it wasn't the best situation.

Seeing this side of miles after so long of not seeing it just made me want to help him and support him even more because behind all that anger there's also pain and sadness.

After a while miles finally fell asleep in my arms I stayed there for a few moments knowing I won't get a chance to experience this for a while and then I tried to sneak out without waking him up only to see Mitchell and mum still at it
"Will you two shut up I just got miles to sleep after you pulled that stunt, you need help yourself Susanne if not for yourself for your kids, you've made us all go down hill and suffer especially miles, we're trying everything to put miles on the right track but you need to do this yourself if you actually want a good life for yourself and for you kids" I had enough of her shit she was the cause of all of this bullshit with miles and I only realised thag now
"Don't fucking tell me what I need or not I'm your mother not the other way around" she yelled
"Then start fucking acting like it because in the end you'll have no children left to put the blame on"
Of course she didn't have any snappy comment back to that as she just walked away, doing what she does best she can't hear the truth
I turned to Mitchell who was still shocked on everything that just happened And said "I'm sorry Mitch but now I don't care what you and sash have to think about, I'm calling people to get miles on the right track after seeing that I know miles is just filled with sadness and pain from this shit" I couldn't take it anymore and my mission was to get miles the help he needed
"I agree with you tay we need to do our best to help him, I'll go get sasha and let her know and meet you back in your room"
I nodded my head as we all went different ways.

I went to my room and got my laptop setup and started doing my own research while I waited for Mitchell and sasha to come and a few minutes they entered in my room joining me with our research, we called people and asked questions, we didn't give too much information away since we didn't know them but we wanted advice on to where we go from here, some were confused while others actually gave us some pretty good advice.

My favourite person that we spoke about was the last one we called her name was Jessica Maria, she actually worked with kids she actually understood what we were talking about she gave us the best advice and said she would be happy to meet miles and help him as much as she can, she was a young counsellor but she certainly knew about her shit and about some of the shit miles is going through and I think Mitchell and sasha agreed that she was the best one we've spoken to aswell.

Looks like we found our person for miles, now only to get him on board.

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