26 // is this the beginning of something new? 

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I slept all day unti it was time to get ready for my date with Casey and honestly I loved every bit of it and I was glad the kids left me alone for once this morning, I really needed that sleep.

I got ready and Casey picked me right up at 6
"Where are we going?" I asked as we got in his car
He looked at me and gave me one of his smirks I rolled my eyes and said "let me guess it's a surprise"
"You guessed right" he replied
When he finally stopped the car I realised he took me to the same place he first ever took me, the hill that overlooked the city, it was even more beautiful at night you could see the lights from the small buildings below us
"Told you it's more beautiful at night cupcake"
"Yes you did" I said giving him a smile
When we walked up the small hill I noticed there was a blanket and food he organised a picnic for us? But it was a special kind, there was roses and a few candles it made the place that bit more special and beautiful
"Thankyou" I said knowing he would know what I meant and I didn't need to explain what I was thankful for
"Anything for a special girl like you" he replied making me blush again, seemed like I was doing a lot of blushing lately
We started to eat the yummy food he made in a comfortable silence looking at the beautiful view but I felt casey eyes on me
"What?" I asked facing towards him
"Your so beautiful" he replied placing his hand on my cheek
"And your so handsome" I said and as soon as that I said his lips placed on mine making me crave more.

As soon as our lips moved apart I wanted more but his words brought me out of that thought "I want to tell you everything I've been through"
"Only if your ready" I replied giving him a reassuring smile
"I am" he said "I had an older brother but he died with a hit and run, that made our family change for a few years but we finally got back on track, I haven't had the best of luck with girls I either got cheated on or left for no reason which turned me to be the big player I was" he added
"I'm so sorry about your brother we're you guys close? And was?" I replied
"Yes we were so close we were bestfriends and did everything together it really broke me when he died and that's also why I changed into the way I am and yes was because you've changed me Taylor I'm falling for you and I can't help it" he replied making me tear up
"I'm falling for you too" was all I managed to say but that was enough for him to pull me into yet another kiss
He pulled back for a few seconds and said "make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?"
I was shocked what he just asked me I didn't know he was going to ask me so soon and I still thought he had to figure out his feelings towards me but everything he just told me made me realise he already knew how he felt about me
"Yes" I yelled out and this time I pulled him into a kiss.

This kiss was more rough, it felt like we were both hungry for each other, I've been waiting for this moment for so long now and now Casey was finally my boyfriend, I was scared to get hurt but I knew it was worth the risk, I was falling hard for Casey Black.

I started kissing Casey neck to let him know I wanted more, he moaned at the smallest touch of me
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked in a whisper
"Positive" I replied taking a break from kissing his neck, I needed him and I wanted him now and then and well the rest was history.

It was fucking amazing, I felt like I just got closer to casey in a different level, it was perfect for my first time, it was perfect with all the lights around it was romantic and it was even more perfect because it was with Casey.

Afterwards we just laid down on the blanket enjoying each other's company and there was no need to talk there was no need to make conversation because being with each other right now was more than enough, we both couldn't help but smile even if we weren't talking we knew what we were smiling about, tonight was more than perfect and I couldn't be any more happier than I was at this moment.

We must of fallen asleep because when we finally opened our eyes the sun was coming up, it was nice to spend the first night together as boyfriend and girlfriend, it was nice to be in Casey's arms for a whole night, it was nice falling asleep together and it was nice waking up to him by my side
"Goodmorning beautiful" casey said giving me a kiss on my forehead
"Goodmorning handsome" I replied and looked up to him to give him a kiss on his lips.

We stayed there for a few more minutes trying to enjoy every bit of it until we decided to go and grab breakfast together, we arrived at this little cafe, it was pretty small only with a few tables and chairs inside and outside, there was no one here yet as it only just opened and it was still pretty early, we both ordered pancakes and a juice
"I had an amazing night" casey said while giving me a wink
"I did too thankyou" I replied
"Anything for my girl" he said causing me to blush, I don't think I could ever get used to his sweet cute and naughty one liners
"Love how I can still make you blush" he said pulling me out of my thoughts
I rolled my eyes and said "yeah yeah" I didn't know what else to say but it caused him to giggle and that was also another thing I'd never get used to and also love hearing.

We stayed at the cafe for a little longer until we both decided it was time to go home, since I also did have work abit later today and since my siblings probably will start getting worried I'm not home yet.

We both went our separate ways after the drive homemade as soon as I opened the front door everyone ran at me with heaps of questions "where were you?" "Did you stay out all night with casey" "are you okay" and heaps more I knew I was expecting them but honestly I was just hoping they'd still be asleep so I could deal with it abit later
"I'm fine casey asked me out and we kinda fell asleep" I replied once they all finally allowed me to speak
"He what?" My brother Mitch yelled
"You heard her idiot I'm happy for you tay" sasha said
"Thanks sis" I replied while mitch and miles were just looking at me and the other kids didn't care so much
"What?" I asked
"If he hurts you I'll kill him" Mitchell and miles said at the time time
I rolled my eyes and said "I know you've warned us enough and they just laughed at my comment like they were proud of that, not do I only have one older protective brother I also have a younger one
"As much as I loved this conversation I need to get ready for work" I said making my way up the stairs so they didn't give me a choice to listen to more questions
"Sissy?" Jade said as she entered my room
"Yeah baby?" I replied
"I missed you do you have to go to work?"
"I missed you too babygirl and unfortunately I do but we will do something together soon enough I promise"
"Okay" she said as she left my room allowing me to take a much needed shower.

Once I got to work I was surprised by how many people were here, all the tables and chairs were filled with family friends and couples inside and outside, well I guess it won't be a quiet chatty day, so I rushed over to the counter to help Jasmine Amy and another co worker Julie an older woman to serve customers, yes it was that busy that we needed four people at the counter.

Work went fast today and I even had to work an extra hour because it was busy all day, I didn't mind at all though since it meant more money in my pockets, everyone was pretty stressed out today and were ordering the workers around since there was so much to do because of our many people kept coming in for food or coffee and I could say we were all happy that our shift was finally over now it was finally time to go home to the comfort of my own bed.

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