1 // my family bullshit

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I woke up to my brother miles barging through my bedroom door which is nothing unusual
"Get up I'm hungry" miles says crossing his arms
I roll my eyes as I pull the blankets over my head but that only makes miles jump on the bed on top of me, he could at least ask for food politely but that wasn't who miles was, he was the most like our father and that scared the crap out of Sasha and I but whatever we did we couldn't change his ways he just wouldn't listen.
I pushed him off and said "get out and come back in when you want to ask nicely"
"Fine I'll just go ask Sasha" he replied while walking out of my room
"Mate that wasn't asking" I shouted back
He was so disrespectful to this family and just expected him to get what he wanted when he couldn't even ask properly
Since my door was still opened my mum walked passed and said "what the fuck is all the fuss going on" this happened most mornings sometimes it was bad and sometimes it wasn't that bad
"Your son is hungry" I said walking towards my door
"Well do something about it then" she replies
I roll my eyes and say "I wasn't the one that gave birth to a monster"
"Whatever Im going for a drink"
"Of course you are" I yelled out as she was walked down the stairs, I wasn't always like this I used to be sweet to my mum until she lost my respect, I used to do whatever my siblings wanted until they started waking me up with yelling and miles starting fights with anyone he could.

Sasha walked down the hallway towards me with miles holding her hand, gosh he could always win her over to do whatever he wanted
"Guess I got my way afterall" miles said with his tongue poking out and walking down stairs
I roll my eyes and walk back into my room slamming the door behind me, I hated the way this family turned out, I hated that miles was turning out like our father, I hated that it wasn't like it used to be, we used to be a happy family and jade never got to experience that because when she was born my dad did a runner with some young bitch, he never tried with us after that, everyone changed and suffered in their own way and sasha and I just couldn't seem to help miles he didn't want it he liked the asshole he was.

While I was in my own thoughts I saw Casey black staring at me through his window since our rooms were across from each other which was just another annoying reason for living here, I got up rolled my eyes and shut my curtains I really wasn't in the mood for his crap and after doing that I decided I needed a long bath, to soak all the family bullshit off me and to relax me, you'd think I'd be used to this shit by my, afterwards I just chucked on white short shorts and a grey tank top, I had nothing planned for the day so what was the point in getting all dressed up, as I walked back into my room I saw Jackson sitting on my bed waiting for me
"What's up Jackie" I say as I sit next to him
"I heard everything earlier are you okay?" He replied looking to the ground
"Hunny it's not your job to look out for me it's the other way around" I said pulling him into a hug
"I know but I know miles can say some hurtful stuff" he said as we pulled away I hated that miles hurt this sweet little boy so much I just wanted to protect Jackson he was too good for this family and world
"I know buddy but I'll be okay"
He goes to walk out but I stop him
"Why don't you stay in here and we can watch a movie"
He nods constantly and comes to sit back down, he loved watching movies with me and chilling in my room instead of being out there with all the crazy kids, he was so innocent and so sweet and he didn't deserve any of this bullshit, with mum with dad or with miles and whatever bullshit our other siblings do to him, he always stuck by my side because he knew that I'd never hurt him and be a bitch like miles
He chose Spider-Man for us to watch which I didn't mind it used to be our go to movie when we were younger but that time we would of watched it as a family.

Half way through the movie I heard a knock on my door so I paused the movie and yelled "come in" even though I should of asked who it was first
"I'm going over to Casey's and he might come round for dinner" Mitchell said by the door of my room why would I need to know that? He hardly tells me he goes out he just yells it out not come knock on my door
"Okay?" I said with a confused look
"Just saying so you don't mess the house up"
And there it was "that would be miles that does that"
He jusg rolled his eyes and shut my door, Mitchell was protective of me but he always put the blame for every single thing on me I didn't understand why it always had to be my fault, I rolled my eyes and pressed play on the movie again while I was still in my own thoughts, I was cuddled up with Jackson that was the only thing keeping me sane right now I was sick of this family bullshit. It was always me when it really wasn't they just didn't want to put the blame on someone else for some odd reason.

As the movie finished I heard miles having a go at jade for something that I didn't quiet understand, I didn't move tho I was hoping that Sasha could deal with this one because I just didn't have the energy to do it today, he always had to do this and hurt my siblings feelings for no reason, I didn't care about Mitchell because he was a asshole to me too but miles knew better than to try and mess with Mitchell because he would of only threw it harder back at him, I rolled my eyes as I got up to realise Sasha wasn't going to deal with it
I look back to Jackson and say "stay in here so you don't get yelled at and put another movie on if you have to" he nodded his head as I walked out of my room and down the hallway where the screaming was coming from
"What the fuck is going on here" I said crossing my arms
Miles just rolled his eyes at me as jade ran behind me
"Does it look like it's your concern?" Miles replies with a cheeky smile
"It actually is when jade is my sister and your being an asshole for no reason"
"Yeah right no reason at all" he replied
What was that even meant to mean?
"Miles just go to your room I'm sick of you making every single of our siblings cry I honestly don't know what's gotten into you but I'm over it and very disappointed in you" I say crossing my arms
"Yeah whatever" he said looking to the ground before walking to his room
Thag was the first time he actually listened to me and did as I said, he actually looked sad and hurt with what I said but it had to be said he has to learn his lesson he can't just think it's okay to act like this for no reason.

I take jades hand and lead her to my bedroom so she knew that she was safe and no one could mentally hurt her, Jackson and jade told me they always felt safe in my room and I do understand why if you're anywhere in the house there's a chance that you'll get yelled at or abused for nothing, mum was even worse than miles, that's why none of us went downstairs unless we wanted to get food or to go outside because her office was down there and she's usually always in the lounge room having a drink and when mums drunk it is not fun at all, she starts blaming us for dad leaving or for anything she can think of, it's always our fault.

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