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Chapter 31 Shifting the Blame to Auntie

Something had indeed happened at the back courtyard. A few maids went to check up on Shuang Ye when she did not wake up. However, when they pushed the door open, they saw a figure in white suspended in the air. They screamed and ran outside. A few of the braver older servants came to undo the ropes but Shuang Ye had long died and her body had stiffened.

Mother Xu sent someone to report it to Mo Huawen.

Someone had died in the manor, inside Mo Xuetong's Qingwei Garden. This maid was also the one Mo Huawen was looking for. His expression changed immediately and he stood up silently.

"Old Sir, we discovered this on Shuang Ye." The maidservant gave him a letter shakily.

Mo Huawen opened it with a grave expression. When he read it, his expression grew darker and darker.

Shuang Ye was dead? Mo Xuetong was shocked. She did not believe that Shuang Ye had committed suicide. She glanced at Mo Xuemin at the side and indeed, saw a trace of satisfaction in her eyes. Did Mo Xuemin do it? How did she manage to extend her reach into Qingwei Garden? Was she missing something?

"Shuang Ye committed suicide. Go and inform her family to come and get her." Mo Huawen read the letter, waved his hand and ordered the maidservant to leave.

"Yes." The maidservant left hurriedly.

"Father, Shuang Ye killed herself in my courtyard. Why..." Mo Xuetong looked up in shock.

"It's alright. It has nothing to do with you. She knew that she has done something disgraceful and was afraid that she would be punished." Mo Huawen stroked Mo Xuetong's hair dotingly. His expression was grave. How could it be so coincidental?

"Father, then, my thing...won't there be no proof then?" Mo Xuemin sat by the side and flicked her handkerchief, starting to tear up again. She naturally knew that she had to pretend to be completely wronged and fought to speak before Mo Xuetong. She was afraid that Mo Xuetong would ruin her plans again.

"Min'er, don't go out during this period. Stay at home and read some teachings for ladies." Mo Huawen finally believed Mo Xuemin when he saw how sad and helpless she was. He comforted her. The only person who could prove Min'er's innocence was dead. Mo Huawen could only hope that the negative rumors would disappear by themselves after some time. Fortunately, Sima Lingyun had no evidence against Min'er.

"Yes, Fater." Mo Xuemin wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. She looked at Mo Xuetong smugly.

Mo Xuetong smiled coldly to herself. Did Mo Xuemin think she will get through this just like this? She turned around and said to Mo Huawen gently,

"Father, Shuang Ye was a third class maid by Auntie's side at first. She's only been in my Qingwei Garden a few days. There are still many things of hers at Auntie's Lihua Garden. Get people to give those things to her as well. She's quite pitiful!" Mo Xuetong looked sorrowful. "Even though she's been with me for only a few days, we were still master and servant for a while."

She was saying that Shuang Ye's mistress was likely to be Auntie Fang!

Mo Xuemin knew that things were going pear-shaped. Her smug expression froze and her face paled. She had only wanted to get herself out of the situation but did not expect Mo Xuetong to use Shuang Ye's identity to place the blame on Auntie Fang.

"Min'er, is the third class maid from Auntie Fang's side?" Mo Huawen did not notice Mo Xuemin's odd behavior. His expression had cooled.

A third class maid was only responsible for cleaning in her own courtyard. How did Sima Lingyun get to know her? Unless Sima Lingyun had visited Auntie Fang's Lihua Garden. But why would a Duke's son go to a concubine's courtyard? There was something suspicious there...

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