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Chapter 261 The Wicked Playboy and the Malicious Woman's Accomplice

Mo Huawen came to the Old Madam's yard. As he entered, he saw a group of people whispering around a man who was lying on the ground.

"Was he killed?"

"No, he shouted very loudly just now."

"He doesn't look like a man in black. Look at his expensive clothes, he doesn't look like a robber."

"Is he from some well-known family, who went the wrong way?"

"How can that be? This is the Old Madam's yard, not a miss's..." said a maid.

Then she was immediately reprimanded by another, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Yes, yes, I'm talking nonsense, nonsense." The maid immediately responded and gently slapped herself in the face.

As a maid saw Mo Huawen entering the door with a grim face, she warned, "The old sir's here! The old sir's here!"

The crowd quickly made way for Mo Huawen. When he saw the man lying on the ground, he called his servant to come and turn him over. As he saw the man clearly, his face grew more sullen. The Old Madam was up by this time. She was awakened from a short sleep. At first, she cowered under the covers, and now she finally put on her clothes and came out of the room.

Mo Huawen told his servants to take the men to the Old Madam's inner room. The room was warmed by the stove. Presumably, because he felt warm, the man slowly woke up.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the inner yard of the Mo Manor?" shouted an old maid who managed the inner yard.

The man was now too black and blue to be recognized. He dressed in a bright green robe made of fine silk from Hangzhou. Ordinary people could not afford such silk, and it was not something that money could buy. Most of such cloth was sent as tribute to the palace, which meant that the man was no ordinary robber.

Yu Mingyong just woke up and had no idea what was going on. He touched his head and looked at the Old Madam at the head and Mo Huawen next to her. His heart did a flip, and he was secretly glad that their plan had been exposed!

But he was beaten too hard. Fortunately, he wore many clothes today, or his leg might have been broken. He looked at the Old Madam with some anger in his eyes.

"Sir Mo, it's me." Yu Mingyong pulled himself up against a chair beside him. He tried to salute Mo Huawen, but suddenly he felt a pain in his waist. He quickly reached out to support his waist, grinning painfully and unable to greet Mo Huawen clearly.

"Who are you?" Mo Huawen eyed him up and down and asked coldly.

"I am Yu Mingyong, the younger brother of Consort Yu in the imperial palace. We met at the last banquet, Sir Mo." Realizing that Mo Huawen didn't seem to recognize him at all, Yu Mingyong said anxiously as he looked over to the Old Madam and beckoned her to help him.

As the Old Madam realized that the man was Yu Mingyong she sent someone to contact, she got angry.

She glared angrily at an old maid beside her. She clearly asked her to take the man to the Qingwei Garden. Why was this man in her yard? It was really hard for her to deal with this thing when it came up to her.

The old maid, shuddering at her glance, bowed her head aggrievedly. She was really wronged because she did take this man to the Qingwei Garden and didn't leave him until he was climbing the wall. She could not understand why the man had come into this yard.

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