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Chapter 141 The Beautiful Snake Begging for Sympathy in the Study

"Father, Father..." The sounds of Mo Xuetong crying could be heard outside. It broke the silent sorrowful atmosphere in the room. Mo Huawen rearranged his expression and looked up coldly at Mo Xuemin who was faking sadness as was being helped along by Mo Xiu at the door.

Mo Xuemin did not expect Mo Xuetong to be there as well. A trace of viciousness flashed in her eyes. She took a step forward, looking gentle and weak. There was a bandage wrapped around her head that still bore traces of blood. It was probably the wound from where she had smashed her head earlier. Her pink clothes bore spots of blood near the wound. Her hair was let loose and she opened her mouth fearfully. Her sad eyes were filled with tears and she looked very pitiful, making one sympathize with her.

She tripped before she even entered the room. She would have fallen if Mo Xiu had not caught her.

She looked so pitiful and had this been in the past, Mo Huawen's heart would have softened and he would not bear to punish her. He would just accept whatever she said.

However, Mo Huawen was still feeling furious at Auntie Fang. When he thought of how nothing would have happened if Mo Xuemin listened to him and stayed at home, he said coldly, "Why are here and not at your Fuqing Garden? Are you dissatisfied with the marriage that you found yourself?"

"Father..."Mo Xuemin had not expected her father, who doted on her usually, to speak to her so harshly. She let go of Mo Xiu and knelt down heavily in front of Mo Huawen, crying.

She looked weak and sad, appearing slightly fearful. She seemed to be here to get her father's sympathy. No wonder she did not even change. How could she not change if she really wanted to see her father! She was trying to get her father to ignore the matter once he saw how pitiful she was! Mo Xuetong thought to herself coldly as she looked down.

Her father's heart would definitely hurt for Mo Xuemin when he saw how pitiful she was and just let her off for what happened yesterday had this happened before she came to the study. However, Mo Xuemin's hypocrisy only added on to her father's ire. Her father would not pity her when he thought of Auntie Fang's lies.

"What did you go out for yesterday night? Didn't I ask you to stay in your courtyard and copy scriptures? Or do you think that your father's words don't mean anything and you can do whatever you want in private?" Mo Huawen thought of how Aunie Fang's face was also filled with tears on the day Luo Xia died when he saw Mo Xuetong's tearful expression. Auntie Fang had told her that Tong'er had been vicious and violent and beaten Madam's maid, Yichun almost to death. He could not reign in the rage he felt and stood up forcefully, yelling as he slammed his hand down on the table.

The same tears, the same gentleness. But they were all fake...

"Father...It is Min'er's fault. Father, please forgive me..." Mo Xuemin knelt on the floor and cried, tears rolling in her eyes. She could not even speak coherently. However, Mo Xuetong saw the sinister look flashing in her eyes. "Father, yesterday, Auntie had a miscarriage...I went out to..." She had not even finished her sentence before she started sobbing inconsolably.

"To what?" Mo Huawen was not touched and he spoke coldly.

"Old Sir, Old Sir, Miss went out for Old Sir and Auntie!" Mo Xiu who was kneeling behind Mo Xuemin crawled forward and kowtowed beside Mo Xuemin as she cried, helping Mo Xuemin answer his question. "Old Sir...Auntie Fang miscarried yesterday and was locked up...Only Aunie could be blamed for this and no one else. But...but, she was locked up in Lihua Garden and did not get treatment. Miss was worried that something might happen to Auntie Fang, so she snuck out to get some medicine. It's the new year, and if something happens to Auntie, it would not look good on Old Sir. She did not expect this to happen! It's not Miss' fault! It is my fault. I did not take care of Miss. Miss was only being filial, and we did not expect..."

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