740-743 (End)

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Chapter 740 The End (1)

Yan Empress heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing Lan Yanwen looking calm, she said politely, "That's right, that's right. I can't stay here any longer. I'll leave this to you." She was still the dignified Empress of the Yan Kingdom.

"Goodbye, Your Majesty!" Lan Yanwen lowered his head and bowed respectfully, which was no different from his usual attitude. Yan Empress waved her hand with satisfaction, took her people to get on the carriage at the back door and returned to the deep palace.

Yan Empress left, surrounded by a large group of people. Lan Yanwen slowly raised his head, and his beautiful eyes were inexplicably deep in the flickering light. He stared at the back of Yan Empress and walked to Princess Royal's body that was lying on the ground, speechless for a moment.

The night was very quiet, as if the sound of people's breathing could be heard!

After a long time, Lan Yanwen ordered, "Somebody, take Princess Royal Mingzhu out! Along with this nanny!" His eyes became as light as clean water, and his voice was gentle.


"Send her to the path leading to the Lan Manor. There is a forest behind the manor, where there are some stones."

"Get it. I'll do it right away!"

In the dark, Mo Xuetong choked up. She bit her lips and suppressed the sadness in her heart, listening carefully to the voices outside. When all the sounds were gone, she still did not dare to make any noise. This was the Lan Manor. Lan Yanwen, who became Minister of Public Works at a young age, was definitely not an ordinary person. As Yan Empress went out of control and behaved excessively, he just stood aside in an indifferent manner.

He didn't seem to be impulsive, nor did he seem to believe what Princess Royal said!

It was as if he truly thought that Princess Royal wanted to bite Yan Empress back before she died. However, Mo Xuetong knew that Princess Royal had succeeded. She had successfully aroused the Lan family's suspicions of Yan Empress. If Lan Yanwen was truly loyal to Yan Empress, he should have been the one to come out and question Princess Royal earlier instead of allowing Princess Royal to die at the hands of Yan Empress.

To throw the corpses on Yan Empress's way to the palace was to make people suspect Yan Empress. No matter how Bai Yihao and Yan Empress fought in the end, it had nothing to do with the Lan family. The Lan family was wary of Yan Empress, or perhaps the Lan family had to rethink their partner. Yan Empress was completely ignorant of this. On this point, Yan Empress had already lost.

The disaster had been diverted. Even if Bai Yihao found out that Princess Royal did not die in that forest, he would only think that she had met Yan Empress by chance, and gotten into an argument with the latter and died in the hands of Yan Empress. Then, Yan Empress threw the body into the forest. Everything was natural, as if Lan Yanwen had thought about it beforehand!

He was unfathomable!

Holding the letter handed to her by Princess Royal tightly in her hand, Mo Xuetong was now absolutely sure that Princess Royal had seen her just now. Although she hid very well, Princess Royal was very close to her. Especially when Nanny Qin was hit to death, she was only one step away from her. Then, when Princess Royal rushed over, she must have found her.

Later, Princess Royal silently held Nanny Qin in her arms and took several steps to one side, shifting everyone's attention to her. So others didn't find Mo Xuetong.

"Tong'er, move quickly. Hold me tight!" Feng Yuran's voice suddenly rang in her ears. Mo Xuetong did not even have time to react before she was picked up. She wrapped her arms around his muscular waist subconsciously and did not dare to move. She heard the noise outside the rockery as someone yelled, "There's a thief, quick. Thief! Catch the thief!"

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