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Chapter 571 Prove It on the Spot to See If It's True or Not

"Consort Xuan, I don't know what I did to offend you, and you use these things to frame me. Don't blow this matter up not for my sake, but please for the sake of my aunt and General Manor. I promise you, Consort Xuan, that even if I marry into the manor in the future, I will find a desolate courtyard in the manor and live there. I will never see His Excellency again and affect His Excellency's marriage to his wife. I will only live quietly in the manor until I die."

Yun Ya looked sad and her tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked at Mo Xuetong pathetically and humbly as if Mo Xuetong had pushed her to death on purpose. Her request was simple. She just wanted a place to stay, even if it was just a desolate courtyard.

Furthermore, she also mentioned Madam Qu and Luo Wenyou, as if Mo Xuetong refused to do them a favor and was intentionally making them lose face if she was against her.

Such a weak woman was so sad and desperate. She would rather live a quiet life from then on, and promised that she would never disturb Luo Wenyou's marriage to his wife in order to seek peace. Madam Qu was so distressed that she couldn't control herself. She held Yun Ya tightly in her arms and looked up at Mo Xuetong with hatred.

"Consort Xuan, I beg you to let Ya'er go since General Manor is your maternal grandmother's home!"

Her words drew a line between Mo Xuetong and General Manor. Luo Mingzhu grew so angry that her face turned livid and her fingers trembled.

"How dare you! How dare you speak such nonsense! You haven't even married into the family, but you've already caused such a ruckus." Old Madam's face was so dark that it looked as if it was almost dripping with water. Even though she had looked down on her second daughter-in-law in the past, she still had to maintain her dignity. Even though Madam Qu had not given birth to a boy, Old Madam had not allowed her second son's concubine to give birth to a son. She had always claimed that her son's concubine could have a son when Madam Qu had not had a son by the age of 40.

But what about now? She was intended to give General Manor as a gift to her niece and had put her real niece aside.

"Grandmother, don't be angry. I still have something to ask." Mo Xuetong's cold eyes landed on Yun Ya, as if they could pierce through her. A desolate courtyard? Would she ask for that yard then? Yun Ya came indeed with a purpose. In order to find more clues about the past, she did not hesitate to be a concubine.

Mo Xuetong had not expected You Yuecheng to be a man of no scruples. He had made Yun Ya, who had been with many men, so wholeheartedly think for him.

"Yun Ya, do you think you are innocent?"

"Of course I am. But yesterday, yesterday..." Yun Ya covered her face with the handkerchief and cried sadly. Luo Wenyou could not explain what happened last night. Except for Yun Ya, no one knew. Even if Mo Xuetong doubted her, no one could prove if she was innocent.

Even though she was crying, her gaze landed on Madam Qu's angry face through the gap of the handkerchief. She felt pleased with herself. So what if Mo Xuetong was powerful? They were not in King Xuan's Manor. As long as her aunt was supporting her, what could Luo Wenyou say? As the heir of General Manor, he had ruined a girl's reputation. How could he not admit to it?

Yun Ya thought that she had done all of this secretly. However, Mo Xuetong, who had been paying attention to her all this while, saw all of this. A hint of viciousness and anger flashed in her beautiful eyes. Yun Ya's plot had caused General Manor to be restless. This had already made Mo Xuetong mad at her. Furthermore, Yun Ya's goal was more than that.

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