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Chapter 681 Accept It or Not

The Cloud Fabric was carefully taken over by a palace maid. Before, everyone had only looked at the Cloud Fabric from a distance and was attracted by its bright color. But now when they looked at the fabric carefully, they found that it was much more beautiful. It was a piece of fabric of the same color, but when they stood in a slightly different position, they could see different colors. Moreover, these colors were mixed together into different patterns, which made the whole fabric more beautiful and charming.

It was just a piece of cloth, but it had already made people feel so amazed. If they could really wear a dress made of this cloth, how beautiful they would be. As a woman, no one could refuse such a beautiful thing. However, the people present were not ordinary women, and they knew that there were some things that they couldn't afford to get it.

Only the prince's wives and princesses in the room deserved to own such a gorgeous and spectacular Cloud Fabric.

Some people even thought of other things. They looked at the smug Princess Caifeng and then at the quiet and curious Sixth Princess sitting beside her. Their eyes were filled with admiration and an inexplicable sense of national honor. The two girls were both princesses who were going to be married off in another country. In fact, the Sixth Princess was never beneath Princess Caifeng. However, Princess Caifeng had such a treasure, but the Sixth Princess did not.

"Princess Caifeng, this Seven-colored Cloud Fabric is really beautiful. It matches our Sixth Princess well. Could it be that Princess Caifeng took it out today to specially give it to our Sixth Princess in order to congratulate her on her journey to the Southern Barbarian Lands?" a madam joked with a smile on her face while waving her fan.

The fan in her hand seemed to go unconsciously from the Cloud Fabric to the Sixth Princess and immediately attracted everyone's attention to the Sixth Princess.

It sounded like a joke, but it revealed the identity of the Sixth Princess. Of course, it also showed that the Sixth Princess was not only the princess of the Qin Kingdom, but also the future wife of the prince of the Southern Barbarian Lands. How could the Empress give the treasure of the Southern Barbarian Lands to the daughter-in-law and not the daughter?

What's more, the well-informed people present also heard that the Empress of the Southern Barbarian Lands was the biological mother of the Third Prince. She could not be kind to a princess whose mother was a palace maid and be mean to her future daughter-in-law.

While Princess Caifeng was enjoying the envious looks in everyone's eyes, she was stunned by these words that sounded like a joke but were provocative. She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say for a moment. Anger rose in her heart.

She had planned that she would propose to give it to the Sixth Princess after she got enough admiration and praise from these people. In this way, it could not only show her kindness, but she could also deliberately flatter the Sixth Princess and make her look good. In the future, even if the Empress gave the Sixth Princess another piece of Seven-colored Cloud Fabric after she arrived in the Southern Barbarian Lands, the effect would not be as good as hers.

The effect hadn't reached her expectations yet, and she hadn't felt sufficiently elated or appreciated, but the situation had changed and it suddenly stopped. How could Princess Caifeng be happy? She looked at the ignorant madam and said with a sullen face, "Madam, do you mean that I'm not suited for the Cloud Fabric?"

Her words were extremely rude and arrogant. Although there was a hint of provocation in the madam's words, she asked for it for the Sixth Princess. Moreover, she said it in a joking way. No matter what Princess Caifeng answered, no one would be embarrassed. After all, everyone sitting here was a legal wife and they all could use such means with great facility in daily life.

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