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Chapter 241 King Xuan Meeting a Beauty at Night

That night, moonlight shone into the gardens of Qingwei Garden. It seemed especially silent.

Most of the servants and maids had already been beaten and sold. There were not many left. Mo Xuetong would pick a few that she liked tomorrow.

Only the original cast was left in Qingwei Garden. Mo Yu and Mo Ye swept up the garden while Mother Xu prepared a few dishes in the side kitchen. Mo Lan packed up the room. It was as if they were back in the Qin Manor. Back then, the people in the manor had all looked down on Mo Xuetong.

Mo Xuetong did not have money and was not doted on. She was also a guest staying with the Qins. Even the servants could not be bothered with her. As such, Mo Xuetong's servants had done all the tasks around the house!

Mo Xuetong sat before the window. She was not reading as she usually did and had gotten Mo Lan and the others to leave the room. She still felt sad when she thought of what happened in the day. She looked out of the window and at the sky that shone with silvery light. From her corner, she could see the shimmery lights in the sky. There was not a trace of dark clouds in the sky and the moon could be seen clearly.

The smile on her lips froze and tears slowly slid down her cheeks.

On the night of the silvery moon, it was so quiet it felt as if she were the only person on earth. She did not know why the sounds of the works on the ancestral hall that she could hear from time to time in the back courtyard were now gone. The entire world was so silent that she could hear her breathing and the sounds of her heart beating.

Everyone said that her mother and father loved each other deeply. Even the Princess Royal had once thought that her mother had married a good man. She said that her mother was blessed even though she passed away early. The painting in the study was done by her father. In the painting, her mother appeared to be young. She smiled coyly and her beautiful eyes shone. She looked full of life.

One could tell that her mother was happy then. You could see the smile lurking beneath the corners of her eyes.

A corner of the painting showed slight signs of age. It was evident that someone would look at the painting from time to time. Who else could it be other than her father!

But, since this was so, why didn't her father seek revenge for her mother? Instead, he had let that woman off lightly.

What happened to Mo Xuetong in her past life was the best answer to how evil that woman was.

Mo Xuemin was very pleased then. She had told Mo Xuetong how her mother had killed her mother in detail. They had tortured her for their own pleasure. The amount of guilt and hate she felt now was the amount of pain she felt then. Her mother had trusted that woman so much. She had allowed the woman to serve her. However, who could have imagined that she would be so vicious? Shouldn't a woman like that die?!

Was it not enough for her to die to avenge her mother?!

Why was the woman's punishment for killing her mother just being sent to the Yu's? Why did Mo Xuemin escape even though she was the one who had instigated everything? She continued to be the gentle and virtuous First Miss Mo. Mo Xuetong hated her. She hated her so much! She had died in the flames in her past life. Her body and soul burned in agony.

Her heart burned with a searing pain these days. The fire burned within her, almost wanting to burst forth! She knew that that was hatred. It was a deep burning hatred that cannot grow anymore! In the hands of the evil mother and daughter pair, the innocent Mo Xuetong had died. She had been reborn as a vengeful Mo Xuetong.

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