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Chapter 581 It's Said that the Red Coral Awarded by the Emperor was Broken

Behind the rockery, a man looked at the woman at the corner in a daze. She walked casually under the tree with light steps. As the breeze blew gently, the hem of her dress fluttered loosely like fine sand, and the belt also danced in the wind, looking quite charming. There was only a delicate jade hairpin on her head. As the pearls on the hairpin swayed, her eyes appeared crystal clear and looked like water. Her dark pupils were like bright pearls.

Her eyelashes were curved. As she slightly looked up, her thick and long eyelashes fluttered, making her as beautiful as a fairy.

Was she like the woman who was so beautiful as to cause cities and kingdoms to fall?

While he was staring blankly, someone suddenly pulled his sleeve. He turned around in a hurry and saw the manservant who took him in. The manservant stood behind him, sweating and said, "Sir Hong, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time. Didn't I tell you not to go away? Hurry up, the Second Consort is there and she asked you to come to her quickly!"

When the manservant hurriedly led Hong Ming into the manor, he suddenly said that he had something urgent to do and asked him to wait there alone. Hong Ming did wait there, but unexpectedly, several young ladies came to the place where he was while chatting. It would be very inappropriate if they found out that he was in the inner yard.

Then he tried to hide, but he did not expect that he finally came to the rockery. He thought that it was a quiet place, but was afraid that the manservant would not find him for a while, so he hid behind the rockery and looked around. Unexpectedly, the manservant did not come, but a beautiful girl came. Although Hong Ming thought that he was not a lecher, who didn't want to take a second look at such a beautiful girl?

Looking at her, he poked her head out and forgot about the manservant for a while.

If the manservant hadn't run over and pulled his sleeve, he might have offended the beautiful lady. Thinking of this, he felt ashamed. He was a sensible intellectual, and how could he do such a thing? He turned back to look at her reluctantly and followed the manservant to the path of the back yard.

It was said that something big had happened in the back yard, and his cousin was anxiously asking him to help her, so she secretly called him over from the front yard. It was not in line with etiquette, but his uncle had asked him to help his cousin. How could he not help her when he heard that she was in trouble?

In fact, this matter was a little serious. No wonder Mo Yarui was afraid and anxious. She was too careless and had broken a part of the red coral given to King Chu by the palace. Fortunately, no one had found it. Hong Ming had to take a look before he found a way to buy one outside. No matter how much money it would take, this matter must be hushed up.

Having this in mind, Hong Ming did not ask any more questions. He followed the manservant on a lonely road which snaked inward.

They really couldn't let anyone find out about this!

Walking to a small yard, the manservant pointed to the room in front and said, "Sir Hong, our Second Consort asked you to wait here first. She had asked someone to move the coral here so that you can have a look."

It was very quiet here, but it was not the yard where he went to yesterday. Hong Ming frowned and stopped. "Isn't this the yard of your Second Consort?"

"Sir Hong, what are you talking about? Now that our Second Consort has ruined the Emperor's gift, she doesn't dare to see you in her own yard. She has to eschew people and find a place with fewer people so as not to be discovered by others. Therefore, our Second Consort has decided to meet you here. Besides, it's not far from the front yard. You can leave as soon as possible after you see it. There are many noble females in the back yard today. Second Consort is afraid that there will be something wrong."

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