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Chapter 381 The Marital Fraud at the Duke Zhenguo's Manor

After entering the room, Mo Lan woke Mo Xuetong up softly. Mo Xuetong pondered as she got up from the bed lightly. However, Feng Yuran caught her and asked lazily, "What's the matter? Is something wrong? Shall I go with you?"

"It's alright, you get some sleep. I will get someone to fetch you if something goes wrong!" Mo Xuetong said sweetly. She pushed him away and got up, slipping off the bed easily with the help of his arm.

"Do you really not want me to go with you?" He got up with concern. Even though a charming smile still hung on his lips, there was a hint of darkness in his eyes.

"No!" Mo Xuetong waved her hands. No way! He was ordered to rest and had only just gotten slightly better. He still wanted to participate in these shenanigans with her. He would be "tired out" before the matter at home was settled. That one in the palace was still angry. He might tear her skin off!

"I'll have Feng Yue take a few men and go with you." Feng Yuran said gently. He was a little worried. He held her face and kissed her gently on her lips.

"Alright!" Mo Xuetong did not object this time. She nodded and then pushed him back onto the bed. She tucked him in and then carefully arranged the netting around the bed before turning to leave.

Feng Yuran's phoenix eyes blinked under the red mandarin duck blankets. His eyes shone brilliantly as he smiled brightly!

He flipped around and turned on his side towards the warm spot she left behind. A smile with a hint of devilish coldness appeared on his thin lips. The Duke Zhenguo's Manor really could not restrain themselves. That's good. They dare to overestimate themselves and hurt his woman. That was a sin that could not go unpunished. After all, he had always been a good chess player!

The matter started at Duke Zhenguo's Manor. Duchess Zhenguo brought Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin to the Mo Manor angrily in the morning, all the while yelling that they should get a divorce! She said that the good daughter the Mo Manor brought up was an immoral woman and she suspected the Mo's of marital fraud. They had intentionally sent that slut over to the Duke Zhenguo's Manor.

Mo Xuemin and Sima Lingyun's marriage was decreed by the Empress. Usually, they would not be able to get a divorce or a separation. But if there was really a case of marital fraud, the marriage could be dissolved. They would be able to get a divorce or a separation! The Empress would not be able to say anything but the party who had engaged in marital fraud would have to take great responsibility in the whole matter.

However, the Duke Zhenguo's Manor blaming the Mo Manor for marital fraud was like the pot calling the kettle black. It was rather ludicrous.

Mo Xuemin and Sima Lingyun had plotted against Mo Xuetong but received retaliation from Feng Yuran, causing the two of them to be found together with their clothes in disarray. Mo Xuemin had pushed Sima Lingyun up in front and lied that Sima Lingyun wanted to rape her. She had tried her hardest to resist, which resulted in what everyone saw. What she said had ruined Sima Lingyun's reputation completely.

If not for the Duchess asking her younger sister, Duchess Mingyang to push the Lady of Xian to send a message to the palace, the marriage decree would not have passed either!

Then, Mo Manor had not stopped the marriage because the Empress had decreed it. Furthermore, Mo Huawen was extremely disappointed in Mo Xuemin. As such, he had not said another word before accepting the decree. The decree successfully turned what Mo Xuemin spun as being raped into the two of them having a secret affair. The decree had hidden the ugliness behind what truly happened and nobody would be despised in this situation.

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