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Chapter 251 Ling Fengyan's Misunderstanding

Outside, columns of fire and smoke rose into the sky followed by intense screams. The screams were so loud as if it were right by her ear. Mo Xuetong's vision cleared slightly and she lowered her head and tried to push Feng Yuran away forcefully. She bit her lips, not knowing how to face the situation.

"Why are you so shy? We are about to be engaged anyway. What are you afraid of!" Feng Yuran lifted his brows and smiled at her charmingly while looking at the top of her head.

"Your Highness!" Mo Xuetong flushed and almost bit her tongue. When did they become engaged? Nothing was set in stone yet but it sounded so natural coming from him. Anger filled her eyes. She had wanted to make small talk at first but could not say anything now.

"Alright alright, it was my fault. Let me show you something good." Feng Yuran smiled charmingly and turned his body away to lead her. He pointed at a curtain that separated where they were from the inner chambers as if he was presenting her with treasures. He said, "Come and take a look."

The curtain seemed to be made of an exquisite white fabric that was dotted with red plum blossoms. Mo Xuetong did not notice it earlier, but upon taking a closer look at the fabric, she realized that it would be beautiful even if it were made into a dress. She did not know why someone would use it for a curtain.

"Did you notice anything?"

Mo Xuetong looked at the fabric for a moment and said sincerely, "It's really pretty. It's such a pity to use such beautiful fabric for a curtain."

He was really wealthy to use such gorgeous and expensive fabric as a curtain.

"Can't you take a closer look?" Feng Yuran's handsome face fell as if he had been hit. He pointed at the curtain and pulled her closer to it.

Mo Xuetong looked at it closely and realized that it was a little different from what she had seen earlier. The color seemed to have changed with the light. It had seemed white and shiny earlier. But now that she was closer to it, it seemed to be a faint blue like the sea and it sparkled slightly.

"It changes color as well. How pretty." Mo Xuetong praised it once more sincerely.

"You women only know how to look at colors. Come it." Feng Yuran glanced at her with a vague smile. He took her hand, lifted the curtains and entered.

"You can look out from here so clearly?" Mo Xuetong said with wide-eyed incredulity as she looked at the outside chambers from behind the curtain with shock. It was as if the curtain were not there at all.

"Of course. This is the only piece of fabric I found that can be used as a curtain. You can see everything that the people outside do from in here clearly." Feng Yuran said with a satisfied smile. He took her hand and sat her at a couch by the side. There was only a couch in the room with a nanmu wood table by the side.

There was a landscape painting on the wall. In the painting, a tiger appeared hidden in the forests.

Mo Xuetong's gaze ended up on the curtain once more. Her eyes flickered and she suddenly smiled, saying, "Is it true that the people outside can't see you if you are seated here but you can see them clearly?"

She did not notice how clearly she could see the inside when she was out there. She guessed that at the most, she would be able to make out that there was someone inside. However, the person outside would not have expected that the curtain was so different. The person inside would be able to hear and see every single thing that the person outside did.

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