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Chapter 301 In the Princess's Banquet, Consort Yu Got in the Way

"What did your mother say?" Princess Royal suddenly sat up and grabbed Mo Xuetong's hand. Her knuckles went white, which showed how much force she had exerted.

Mo Xuetong couldn't continue and only wept with her face in her hands. "My mother, my mother, she said..."

Princess Royal was anxious and tried hard to pull up Mo Xuetong. She tried so hard that she sweated and uncontrollably started to cough again. Mo Xuetong immediately got up and poured the princess a cup of hot tea and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

At last, the princess stopped coughing and then grabbed Mo Xuetong's hand to ask eagerly, "Tong'er, what does the letter your mother left say?"

Mo Xuetong had never seen Princess Royal fluster so much. Even when talking about life and death, the princess just appeared clam. Now, she looked so anxious, with a look of worry on her white face and blue vines slightly bulging on her forehead. She actually looked a little frightened. Princess Royal really knew!

Sighing deeply and gritting her teeth, Mo Xuetong looked at the princess with a sad face and said, "She said if I'm in trouble, I only need to find you and you'll definitely save me. She said I would only be carefree when you're with me, and if you're gone... I will only count on myself..."

She said the last few words in a shivering voice. She looked at Princess Royal with her teary eyes, like she wanted to obtain some emotional support from the princess's face.

It didn't seem to be what was on Princess Royal's mind.

Princess Royal apparently heaved a sigh of relief. She covered her chest and coughed a bit. When she finally breathed normally, she wiped the tracks of tears on Mo Xuetong's face with a handkerchief. For the first time today, the princess smiled, put down the handkerchief, and held Mo Xuetong's hand, saying, "Tong'er, don't cry. You'll go to Fifth Princess's birthday banquet. You won't look pretty with swollen eyes."


Princess Royal faintly smiled and comforted Mo Xuetong. She looked much calmer now. Though looking tired, she finally had a touch of glow on her cheeks. "Good girl. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I've been having this for years and will always cough in springs. It's really annoying, and with that, I'll find every other thing annoying too, but I didn't expect to have made your worry."

"Mother, how about I feel your pulse and make a diagnosis for you?" Mo Xuetong wiped the tear marks with the handkerchief, bit her lips, and held the princess's hand, acting like she wouldn't let go if she couldn't feel the princess's pulse. Only the slightly red rims of her eyes indicated her worry. At the sight of this, Princess Royal felt warm in the heart and could only reach out helplessly.

"Take a look if you want. Since when did you become a doctor?"

"I can diagnose diseases. Send for me if you fall ill again." Mo Xuetong blushed with embarrassment, but still, she held Princess Royal's hand and quietly listened to the princess's pulse. Back then, she was in a hurry, now, she could finally carefully feel it.

It was indeed similar to the pulse she just felt, but obviously, the stagnation had been alleviated. Apparently, the thing that was on her mind had disappeared. Mo Xuetong felt relieved, knowing that what she said worked, and so she looked up and smiled. "It's nothing serious. You only need to take a few days' rests. But, you have to take medicine. I'll come visit you the next few days and make sure you take them."

Just now, Princess Royal refused to take medicine but then drank it up. Obviously, she did not dislike the taste but had refused it because of other things.

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