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Chapter 721 The Confrontation of the Old Madam and Her Daughter-in-Law of Fu General Manor

When it was daybreak, Madam Qu went to pay respects to the Old Madam with her servants. The Old Madam was currently in poor health and did not ask Madam Qu to pay her respects all the time. This was especially so after the incident caused by Yun Ya. The Old Madam had become colder towards Madam Qu. The latter had sensed it and thus usually would not come to her place when there was nothing needed to deal with.

It was rare for her to come over to pay her respects to the Old Madam. Before she walked into the room, she heard the Old Madam and Nanny Shen, the personal nanny, talking about something, along with a burst of laughter. Apparently, the Old Madam was in a good mood. Madam Qu heaved a sigh of relief and her eyes flashed slightly. Then, she put on a big smile on her face before entering.

A maidservant had already seen her coming and hurried in to report to the Old Madam. Then someone had come to lift the curtain for her.

When she entered the room, she noticed that the Old Madam was wearing a dark yellow robe with some characters "longevity" embroidered on the hem, and she looked well with a happy expression on her face. She and Nanny Shen were looking at a few paintings on the small table placed on the couch. They were chatting and laughing; the atmosphere was good. Hearing that Madam Qu had entered, the Old Madam looked up and cast a casual glance at her.

After coming forward and curtsying, Madam Qu smiled and asked, "Mother, how are you feeling today? It's a nice day. Do you want to go out for a stroll?" It was indeed a nice day. It was a cool and dry autumn day—the wind was not strong and the sun was not blazing. It was the most comfortable season. Many people in the capital would go out to have fun or saunter at this time.

However, people of Fu General Manor did not have such a habit!

Ever since Luo Xia passed away, the Old Madam had been depressed and thus she was not healthy. Furthermore, she was not in the mood, so she would not go out for a stroll at this time. At most, she would bask in the sun and have a walk in the garden.

Madam Qu's question was a little unusual. After the glance, the Old Madam replied, "I won't go out. I used to be too tired to move. Even though I've been a little better recently, I'm unable to take a stroll."

"Mother, since you are feeling better, you should go for a walk. Anyway, I'm free today, so you might as well go with me to go out and have a look so as not to stay indoors all the time. When Mingzhu comes back, she might blame me for not bringing you to go out for a walk." Madam Qu was very attentive today. With a smile in her eyes, she tried to persuade her mother-in-law repeatedly.

The Old Madam had always been a smart person, and immediately understood what Madam Qu meant. She frowned and asked unhappily, "You're going out?"

During this period of time, Madam Qu had gone out much often, which didn't accord with the low profile the Old Madam had always advocated. The latter was already a little displeased with her.

"Mother, it's not that I'm going out, but that we are going out to have a look together. It's a good opportunity for us to relax. Last time when I went out, I heard that a pharmacy has ginseng of several hundred years old. But because I went out in a hurry last time, I didn't have time to see it. This time, I can go with you to have a look. If it is really old enough, we can buy it and braise it to build up your health."

Madam Qu panicked when she saw the Old Madam's eyes that seemed to be clear about the matters of the world. However, her expression grew even sincere and much gentler as she smiled, as if she had come especially for the Old Madam's sake. She acted like a good daughter-in-law who was doing this for her husband's mother.

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