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Chapter 291 The Chance in the Fu General Manor

Politics underwent a large change following that. First, Emperor Zongwen was incensed and immediately sent someone from the inner court to investigate the matter between the two factions. Then, he immediately got rid of the most powerful figures. They were either all killed along with their families or banished from the country. Some were demoted or fired. A large number of positions became empty in court.

The inner cabinet was directly affected by Emperor Zongwen's ire. They were all fearful and afraid that they would cause even greater trouble should they make the slightest mistake. The three adult princes were all in trouble, especially Emperor Zongwen's favored son, the eighth prince, King Xuan. He still had not awakened.

Emperor Zongwen unleashed his frustrations and anger on his officials.

King Yan was affected as well. He knelt in the great hall and was harshly berated. He did not even know how a maid in his inner courtyard had died and dared to drink with others. The next time he got that drunk, someone might cut his head off!

King Yan felt that he had been scolded for no reason but did not dare to complain. He knelt in the hall and then was ordered to go home and study. This meant that he could not go anywhere and had to stay at home. If he was to go anywhere and make trouble again, the consequence would not be as simple as this.

King Yan was just collateral damage in this incident.

A huge reversal occurred in court and one could not tell whether Emperor Zongwen was supporting King Yan or King Chu. More and more people stopped to watch.

The trouble out there, however, had nothing much to do with the Mo Manor. Xu Yan finally married into the Mo Manor!

The wedding was very successful. Other than Mo Yufeng behaving like a mad man after drinking too much and saying something, nothing else happened.

Mo Xuetong handed over the household matters to Xu Yan on her second day of marriage. Mo Xuetong could relax and do what an unmarried young woman should do. The matters of the household would have to be handed over to Xu Yan in the end. Even though Xu Yan might not say much right now if Mo Xuetong took charge, it was not right as time passed.

Mo Huawen had already portioned out her mother's dowry for Mo Xuetong. This was her portion and she would manage it herself. After the new year, she would manage that portion. When it finally reached her hands, she realized how great her mother's dowry was. She had to admit that she had been weak in her past life and there was a reason why Auntie Fang and her daughter had plotted against her.

On the surface, the villages and lands were not shocking. It befitted her mother's status as the legal daughter of the Fu General's Manor. It was also said that Fu General Manor doted on their only legal daughter. However, when she looked at the situation carefully, Mo Xuetong realized that there were quite a few mysteries surrounding her mother's dowry.

For example, there were 10,000 acres of land in her mother's dowry. This was not especially high amongst noble ladies. However, if these 20,000 acres of land included ten villages and some of them had hot springs, the significance changed completely. These sorts of holiday villages took up several hundred acres. What was rare was there were hot springs, they were near mountains and waters. They were all very valuable.

However, this was just one part of the dowry. All of these exceptional dowries all meant that her mother's dowry was very generous. It surpassed its surface value. Did her grandparents know her mother's identity or did her maternal grandmother prepare this for her mother?

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