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Chapter 391 Bai Yihao Advanced at Every Step

Although King Xuan, Feng Yuran, had a bad and dissipated reputation, Lin Yu, as the guard of Bai Yihao for years, knew clearly that King Xuan was the most terrible person in the Qin Kingdom. Superficially, King Xuan seemed to lead a raffish life as if he were a fatuous King who indulged himself into pleasure-seeking life, and although he was the most favorite son of Emperor Zongwen, he was just a little overlord like a straw bag.

But how was the fact like!

King Xuan had extremely atrocious means and took action resolutely without any delay. Besides, he was good at calculation, able to get 100% success every time he hit.

He could always launch an attack at the most suitable opportunity, no matter when he was grounded, reprimanded or injured... Every step he took was the most appropriate. It did make Lin Yu who once carefully investigated Feng Yuran's file begin to worry about his own master. To provoke such a person merely for a woman was not a blessing for the Crown Prince.

As for Feng Yuran who was most likely to become the next emperor of the Great Qin, Lin Yu thought they should make friends with him instead of becoming foes. Otherwise, it would only bring trouble to the Yan Kingdom. After all, no one wanted to make any powerful enemy like Feng Yuran.

He was so calm and easy to play political trickery and handle things perfectly through simple talks and laughs. For many years, Lin Yu only saw one of this kind—his master who was able to advance at every step to make the enemy fall into the trap, even if he was tens of thousands of miles away. And now, there was one more person able to do so, Feng Yuran!

Diamond cut diamond! And the two were evenly matched!

They were just like a Roland for an Oliver. Lin Yu had to admit that if there was someone else in the world who could meet His Highness's match, the one must be King Xuan.

How could such a person be offended casually? Besides, it was said that he loved his wife so deeply. It was not worth provoking him for a woman. Did His Highness have any other plan? Lin Yu did not dare to ask more, as he admired his brilliant and brave master from the bottom of his heart and believed that the master would not do such stupid things that even Lin Yu himself could see.

Therefore, Lin Yu did not cling to the previous idea too much and followed Bai Yihao's order wholeheartedly.

But why was Lin Yu still entangled with doubt and anxiety?

"It doesn't matter if it's unsuccessful. Let them check the jade token. When the Third Young Miss Mo takes the jade token to ask them to take action, just go to get the jade token and take the Third Young Miss Mo to the Yan Kingdom." Bai Yihao raised up his eyebrows and smiled thoughtfully, as if he was not annoyed at the inappropriate arrangement.

"Your Highness, should you pay more attention to the First Prince..." Lin Yu could not help asking after thinking for a while.

His words meant to remind Bai Yihao to put on the focus on the First Prince. The jade token was important, but the person was not so. Why did Bai Yihao insist on taking the person here? Lin Yu had a bad feeling.

"There is no need to worry about the First Prince. How is the investigation about his consort who is staying in Prince Manor since she arrived, my fifth cousin, going on?" Bai Yihao gave a slight smile on his glossy face and leaned leisurely against the wide chair back with a look of elegance and calmness on his flawless handsome face, as if all were in his grasp.

Lin Yu knew that his master did not want to talk about it, so he had to answer, "I have investigated that the Fifth Princess and her secret guards are not there, but only a woman looking like the Fifth Princess is in the manor. On the day when the First Prince fetched the bride, the whole welcoming team encountered robbers on the way back. More than half of his manpower was lost during the fight, and most of them were master hands whom the First Prince gathered privately."

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