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Chapter 691 One-on-One Showdown

Everyone looked back and saw a man running out of the room where You Yue'e was resting. He had a long robe draped around his shoulders and his belt had not yet been tied around his waist. He was in a mess...

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The Sixth Princess's eyes looked desperate. Her legs felt weak, and she could not stand steadily and almost fell down. She had used up all her tricks, but she ended up like this by accident. She was anxious and regretful.

"Catch him! Hurry up! Don't let him run away!" someone came to their senses and shouted. Many old maidservants rushed out. Finally, when the man rushed to the back, they caught him. He was a neat and delicate-looking man.

They caught a man who was entangled with Ling Mingyan by the lake behind the rooms for female guests while there was another man hiding in the resting place of Consort Yan. No matter how one looked at it, it was a conspiracy. It was obvious that someone took advantage of the banquet and wanted to hurt others. One trap led to another, and it was so elaborate, which made Princess Caifeng so angry that she trembled all over.

The one who did this was using her as a scapegoat!

Without any hesitation, she sent someone out to inform Crown Prince Xieyue, the princes, and the marquess. They could do whatever they should do. Anyway, she didn't want to meddle in this matter anymore. After keeping all the people here, Princess Caifeng no longer cared about courtesy and went into a room to rest.

Some other madams and young ladies also went into the rooms on the side to rest. Fortunately, there were many rooms here. As the madams and young ladies did not want to stay alone, two or three people shared a room, or even four or five people did so. Those people had gotten into trouble when they stayed in their rooms alone. Who knew if something would also happen today?

Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu entered the room where they had been resting. They sat down at the table beside them. A maidservant made tea and said something leisurely. No matter what happened today, it had nothing to do with them. When they went out for a walk in the garden, more than one maidservant had seen them.

After the Sixth Princess and Hu Qianyue left, Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu left the waterside pavilion as well. The two of them walked around in the garden casually and ran into a few madams who said that something had happened in the place where female guests rested. That was why they had come together. The two of them had nothing to do with this matter.

Mo Lan came in and reported, "My Lady, Sixth Princess wants to see you!"

"Why is Sixth Princess here at this time? It's Consort Yan who is in trouble. Why does she keep bothering you instead of seeing Consort Yan?" Luo Mingzhu had a good impression of the Sixth Princess, but just now, she could tell that the Sixth Princess was trying to add fuel to the fire when she pretended to defend Mo Xuetong. So she didn't want to see her now.

Coupled with what she had said at the waterside pavilion, in Luo Mingzhu's heart, the Sixth Princess was a person whose appearance only appeared to be gentle!

Mo Xuetong did not want to see her either!

She thought that she had never had anything to do with the Sixth Princess!

However, this girl always framed her when she was trying to plot against others

Last time it happened in Mingguo Manor. The Sixth Princess wanted to marry into Mingguo Manor, and this matter had nothing to do with Mo Xuetong. However, the Sixth Princess wanted her to be the main culprit and the direct culprit of her not being able to marry into another country. If the marriage between the two countries was destroyed because of her, Mo Xuetong did not know if she, Consort Xuan, could bear the anger of the Emperor.

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