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Chapter 661 Implement a Smart Ruse in Fu General Manor

When the horse carriage reached Fu General Manor, the two of them got off together. Madam Qu politely welcomed them at the entrance of the yard as if nothing had happened last time. There was a hint of enthusiasm on her face. When she saw Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu coming together, she smiled and said, "My Lady, you haven't been here for a while. Old Madam has been talking about you for the past few days. She was mentioning you just now. I didn't expect you to really be here."

"Second Aunt, it's not that I don't want to come. I just can't find time. How's Grandmother these days?" Mo Xuetong put down Luo Mingzhu's arm and held Madam Qu's hand warmly. She asked as she walked in.

"Old Madam is in good health. She walked more in the past few days and sometimes went out to visit others. The day before yesterday, she went to attend the banquet held by the Marquise of Mingguo Manor," Madam Qu stated with a smile. She was talking about the banquet where the Sixth Princess was involved in a scandal. However, only a limited number of people knew about it. Mo Xuetong was a little uncertain if Madam Qu knew about it.

Although her eldest uncle had become Fu General, his entire family, only his son was left here. Madam Qu was in charge of the affairs in the manor. Even though the two old maidservants brought by her grandmother were her trusted subordinates, Madam Qu might have a way to find out what had happened in Mingguo Manor.

"The banquet held by the Marquess Mingguo is good. Why didn't Second Aunt go there that day?" Mo Xuetong smiled slightly, and a gentle smile appeared in her watery eyes.

"I happened to have something to do at home that day, and couldn't leave for a while, so I didn't go to the banquet." Madam Qu smiled without any grudge, and it was hard to tell if she really learned something.

As they spoke, they reached the Old Madam's room together. Maidservants had already lifted the curtains and guarded there. Mo Xuetong and the others entered together. The Old Madam, who was seated in the main seat, had already looked at them anxiously. Even though Mo Xuetong had seen her in Mingguo Manor, she did not have the chance to speak to her in private as something like that happened that day.

Since such a thing happened on that occasion, both of them knew that they had to avoid arousing suspicion. Therefore, they just greeted each other and said a few polite words on the surface. They couldn't say anything else. After that, the banquet ended unhappily. After such a thing happened, no one knew what would happen. Even if they just saw it, they didn't know what would happen. Everyone returned to their own manors early.

For some reason, Mo Xuetong felt that her grandmother looked especially old today. The wrinkles on her forehead deepened; her hair was all white; her eyes looked slightly anxious, and there were dark shadows under her eyes. All of these made her feel that the Old Madam was in an especially bad condition.

A lump came into Mo Xuetong's throat as she looked at her grandmother. She thought of the Old Madam in her past life. She released Madam Qu's hand and walked up to the Old Madam hurriedly. She curtsied deeply and said, "Grandmother..."

However, she could not continue, and almost felt that she was choking with sobs. It was as if she could not control her bitterness. In her past life, Fu General Manor had fallen; her grandmother's condition had been worse and worse, and then, she became so skinny that she was almost beyond recognition. But now Mo Xuetong seemed to have seen the shadow of her past life. That was why her eyes turned red and she almost shed tears.

"Alright, I'm in good health. Tong'er, Mingzhu, come and let me take a look at both of you. Why are both of you so skinny? Do you usually have nothing to eat? Tell me, if there is anything you want to eat today. I will get someone to cook it." The Old Madam also felt a little sad as she heard Mo Xuetong's voice. She tried her best to hold back her bitterness and smiled as she gestured for the two girls to go over and sit on each side of her.

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