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Chapter 651 The Arrogant Palace Maid Serving the Six Princess

When Duchess Ding was told by the palace maid that this matter had something to do with Consort Xuan, she immediately sent someone to bring the two maidservants over. The two maidservants' confession was exactly the same as what the palace maid had said. They all claimed that Consort Xuan was arrogant, and that when she saw the two maidservants after she went through the door, she asked them to wait on her at her side. They were not allowed to leave at all.

After that, Consort Xuan asked them to tell the Sixth Princess's palace maid that the scenery there was better!

Although the two maidservants felt that it was inappropriate, since Consort Xuan had said so, they did not dare to say anything to refute her. After telling the Sixth Princess's palace maid, they went to serve Consort Xuan. They had no idea what happened afterward at all!

"Then is Consort Xuan still in the garden?" The face of Old Madam in Fu General Manor darkened. She knocked hard on the ground with her walking stick. She had thought that it was a scandal between Mingguo Manor and Ding General Manor. However, she did not expect that it would have something to do with her granddaughter. How could she not be furious?

"I... I don't know." The short maidservant was startled. She knelt on the ground shivering and didn't dare to move. They had been squatting in the corner. When they heard someone screaming, they didn't dare to go out to watch. Even though there was no sound from where Consort Xuan was, they didn't dare to leave.

They did not come until Duke Mingguo sent someone to summon them. They thought that Consort Xuan should be here, but with such a big thing happening here, Consort Xuan did not make any sound. They were a little uncertain, so they did not dare to tell the truth.

"You don't know? Then why did you push all the blame to Consort Xuan just now? Didn't you say that everything you did was ordered by Consort Xuan? Even where the Sixth Princess went was decided by Consort Xuan. I didn't expect that Consort Xuan could still decide the affairs in Mingguo Manor. I'm ignorant!"

The Old Madam in the Fu General Manor looked coldly at the maidservant kneeling on the ground. She was clear about what kind of person Tong'er was. How could the girl do such a stupid thing? No matter what the result of the whole matter was, it had nothing to do with Tong'er. Judging from the result, the Old Madam thought that it was probably the Six Princess who stood to gain the most from this matter.

It was said that the Sixth Princess was the best candidate for marrying Crown Prince Xieyue. Marrying into another country far away would make her far from help. Maybe the two countries would start a war, and then she would be a hostage. No one would be willing to do so!

"Old Madam, you don't have to be mad. Since Consort Xuan has gotten involved, then we shall invite Consort Xuan to come and ask her. Anyway, when it comes to this kind of thing, the wise man knows he knows nothing, and the fool thinks he knows all. We can always distinguish," Duchess Ding snorted lightly. She turned her gaze from You Yuecheng to the Sixth Princess and finally to the palace maid in front of the Sixth Princess. Her eyes landed on the palace maid with a powerful and cold aura, making her automatically shudder.

At this point, it could not be solved in a few words. If this matter really had something to do with Consort Xuan, the motive behind it would not be simple. What was her purpose? Did she want to destroy the marriage between Mingguo Manor and Ding General Manor and deliberately frame the Sixth Princess?

"Madams, are you looking for me?" A gentle and confused voice sounded from behind the crowd.

Everyone looked back and saw Consort Xuan, who was surrounded by a group of young and old maidservants, coming over. On her left stood Ling Mingyan, who was wearing an angry look, and on her right stood the Seventh Princess. The three of them walked over slowly. Ling Mingyan looked at the Sixth Princess fiercely, but the other two all had a smile on their faces.

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