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Chapter 511 Secret Moves, Concubine Xiang is Pregnant

Ling Mingyan nodded in a rarely gentle manner, and then made a bow to You Yuecheng like a perfect wife. After that, she got on her carriage with the help of her maidservant. She was so ladylike, making Mo Yu who watched upstairs burst into laughter.

She really didn't expect Ling Mingyan, who had always been arrogant and rude, to have such an adorable look.

Mo Xuetong took her handkerchief to cover her mouth and also smiled. Ling Mingyan got on the carriage sheepishly. At the moment, she was so happy that she did not notice a trace of disgust in You Yuecheng's eyes, but Mo Xuetong saw it clearly. You Yuecheng turned away in a resolute manner, without any reluctance. The situation of the two was still the same as when Mo Xuetong just came to the capital—one chased and the other escaped.

In the past, Ling Mingyan knew that You Yuecheng didn't like her, but she still pursued him relentlessly. And now it seemed You Yuecheng had taken a different means to deal with Ling Mingyan, making the arrogant woman obedient. The man's means were so varied.

Poor Ling Mingyan was still in the dark, thinking that her husband only had a cold temperament.

Mo Xuetong certainly didn't pity Ling Mingyan. Ling Mingyan had long been notorious in the capital. She was not only arrogant and despotic, but also killed people on the streets. Her carriage of Ding General Manor had made so much trouble. She often made sarcastic remarks about girls who were inferior to her in position, and even whipped them when she was in a bad mood.

It was said that when she attended the palace banquet, she beat a little official's daughter half to death because she accidentally ran into her. In the face of many gentlemen and ladies of noble families, she beat her fiercely. When she was finally pulled away by others, she was still unwilling to spare her. The little official's daughter was said to throw herself into the river when she went back because she felt that she was too humiliated to see others.

Mo Xuetong could only say that You Yuecheng was much smarter than Ling Mingyan now.

Mo Yu put down the curtain in his hand, blinked his eyes, and suddenly asked, "My Lady, Marquess Mingguo doesn't like First Miss Ling, why did he marry her?"

Mo Yu thought it naively. Since Marquess Mingguo didn't like Ding General Manor's first miss, and he looked so strong, he could just refuse to marry her. Anyway, Ding General Manor would not throw Ling Mingyan in Mingguo Manor forcibly.

Mo Xuetong smiled faintly and replied, "No matter what, Ding General Manor is the powerful empress's family. You Yuecheng might dislike Ling Mingyan, he could not refuse her. Otherwise, he won't drag on until now."

Among the two powerful manors, it was of course the best if they could marry together. Moreover, You Yuecheng now supported King Yan Feng Yulei, the Empress's parents' family was Ding General Manor. If he could bring Ding General Manor to support King Yan and serve King Yan in a down-to-earth manner, it was nothing for You Yuecheng to marry Ling Mingyan.

In the same way, if he really wanted to reject Ling Mingyan, he could directly reject her. After all, Ding General Manor would not force him to marry her! Therefore, You Yuecheng was playing cat and mouse before. Remembering that Mo Xuemin had thought of being his wife in the past, Mo Xuetong just felt speechless.

"My Lady, do you mean that Marquess Mingguo deliberately kept First Miss Ling waiting?" Mo Yu's eyes widened.

"Why not! Getting married to Ding General Manor is only good for You Yuecheng. And considering Ling Mingyan's reputation and the way she married into Mingguo Manor, Ding General Manor can't object when You Yuecheng wants to do something in the future. Either way, Ding General Manor owes You Yuecheng because of Ling Mingyan."

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