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Chapter 271 Jealousy and Hatred. Fifth Princess' Intention to Kill

The edict from the palace came in the late afternoon. The little eunuch who delivered it first went to see Mo Huawen and then brought Mo Xuetong to the palace.

It was rather awkward for Mo Xuetong because she had injured her leg. Fortunately, it was not obvious with the help of Mo Lan even though she was a little slow.

A horse carriage was already waiting outside. Mo Xuetong boarded the horse carriage and went to the palace with Mo Lan.

They entered through the main gates of the palace and went onto a palanquin that was set up for them especially. A eunuch holding a box approached them. This must have been the will of the consorts who were appointed at the banquet today, along with King Yan and King Chu's consorts. Palace maids followed along with nimble steps and the neat procession moved outwards. There were also some women who were destined to stay in the palace forever.

When they arrived outside of Tianchen Palace, Mo Xuetong got off the carriage. A palace maid had been waiting for her and helped her off carefully.

"Princess Anping, please." The lead eunuch Liu Xi had already been waiting there. He approached Mo Xuetong with a smile when he saw her.

Mo Xuetong did not dare to be rude to Emperor Zongwen's lead eunuch. She hurriedly smiled and nodded and walked forward. She saw Feng Yuran the moment she entered. He looked refreshed. Emperor Zongwen was sitting on the throne. His eyes were dark and she could not tell what he was thinking. Mo Xuetong released the palace maid who was helping her and knelt down with some difficulty. She kowtowed respectfully and said, "Greetings, Your Majesty. Long live, Your Majesty."

She sounded slightly afraid because of her nervousness. Coupled with the swelling around her eyes, she looked very pitiful.

Emperor Zongwen looked at her expressionlessly for a moment. He could not help but smile lightly when he saw that she remained to kneel respectfully but did not show any signs of being flustered. He said, "Rise."

Liu Xi glanced at the palace maid who quickly understood his intentions. She went up to help Mo Xuetong stand.

"The Princess Royal mentioned you to me. She said that you are obedient. I was going to meet you in a while but I did not expect Old Eight to be so anxious. He urged me to meet you now. How is your leg? Have the imperial physician take a look before you leave. It would be bad if it leaves lasting damage while you are young."

Mo Xuetong did not expect Emperor Zongwen to be so kind. She glanced at Feng Yuran with some surprise but saw that he was smiling with satisfaction. He even raised his brows when he saw her looking at him. His behavior was really flamboyant. Mo Xuetong looked away to the ground quietly.

She replied softly, "Many thanks for your kind love, Your Majesty. I am not so delicate. Furthermore, the physician already said that it is no big deal. I just have to rest."

Her injury was not serious and was just a slight sprain. It was no big deal. Honestly speaking, it was not too much trouble for her to walk either. She only had to rub it with medicated oil. However, her leg was wrapped up only to show how serious it was. She must not let the imperial physician see it.

"Even so, you were injured. Old Eight, do you still have that superior-grade medicinal oil at your place? Give it to Princess Anping later." Emperor Zongwen smiled and turned to speak to Feng Yuran who was standing beside him. He did not insist that Mo Xuetong see the imperial physician.

"Father, even though the medicinal oil I have is good, it is not as good as the one in the palace. Father, why don't you be generous? She seems rather pitiful, give her some." A handsome smile appeared on Feng Yuran's face. It was rare that he was showing Emperor Zongwen the adorable side of his.

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