Making Things Right

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   -I'm so glad that Pepper's grades are going up. She really is a smart girl, but the teachers just... they don't listen to her.-

   It was around 4:30pm and you were tutoring Pepper again. This time, she was doing her English homework with you. It seemed to frustrate her the most. The English teacher was ignorant and narrow minded. When she turned in her essay this morning, the teacher used it as an example of what not to do and he corrected everything on the projector in front of the whole class.

   You could tell she wasn't over it still.

   She finished writing and passed you the paper. "Hey Bunny. Spellcheck."

   You read her answers for the novel study, and they were all... so well written. They were spoken about in depth and detail. You picked up your pencil and corrected any spelling mistakes for her.

   "I hate Mr. Sandi." She mumbled.

   "I understand that..." You finished correcting the words and used an eraseable (f/c) pen to put hearts near the words that were spelled wrong so she could work on them.

   "He made me look so stupid. I was up all night finishing that paper... I was so proud of it too. I thought that... I thought I could pass this stupid class," Pepper covered her face in frustration.

   "It's not fair that he's only focusing on the spelling mistakes. Your book report is so... well written and personal. He totally ignored your foreshadowing theory. It's really not that hard to read as he makes it seem,"

   You passed the paper back to her and she looked at it with a soft, comforted expression. "Wh-What are the hearts for...?"

   "Oh, it's to show which words were the ones you need to work on. I just thought it looked better than an angry red pen circling the word. I'm sorry, I can erase them-"

   "No, don't,"

   She tucked her papers into her binder before you could even think about taking the paper from her and she looked at the clock.

   "I guess it's time to start packing up. I'll be right back, I need to go to the bathroom," She said before getting up to leave.

   "Alright, I'll clean up here and put my stuff in my locker,"

   She nodded, taking her things with her. "I'll make a stop at my locker too. I'll be back,"

   Pepper left the room and you began cleaning up your highlighters and eraser crumbs. You went do your locker to store your binder and heard footsteps, assuming it was Pepper. It wasn't.

   "Hey, (Y/n),"

   You looked at the person. You've seen the guy in one of your classes before, but didn't remember his name. His hair was a warm auburn and he had green eyes. He really seemed to like basketball from what you could remember.

   "Hey... I'm sorry, what's your name again?"

   "Aaron. I sit behind you in Math," He said, slightly offended that you didn't remember him.

   You nodded, unsure how to talk to him. "Do you need something?" You tucked away your books neatly and closed the locker.

   "Well, I was thinking of bringing you out later for fries or something. I think you're really cute,"

   -That was unexpected.-

   "Aaron... that's very... tempting, but I don't really feel like fries right now,"

   "It doesn't have to be fries. Pizza... sushi... whatever," he stepped closer.

   "I just don't want to," you said bluntly, not really in the mood to beat around the bush.

   Aaron seemed surprised by your response. "Well, if you're not going out with me tonight, you might as well give me your number as compensation,"

   "Aaron, I'm not interested," you said.

   After you said that, you walked in the opposite direction of him, trying to get away to the bathroom or the exit. He yanked you back and it pissed you off enough to smack his hand and growl at him.

   "Don't ever pull me around like that, again,"

   Your death glare seemed To genuinely scare him and he apologised, although he was still holding your arm.

   "Come on, don't be so stubborn. I'm sorry if I startled you---"

   "You didn't startle me, you annoyed me. I'll forgive you, but leave me alone,"

   "(Y/n), don't be that way. I'm a nice guy, you just have to give me a chance-,"

   Suddenly Pepper swooped around him, putting her hands on his neck. "She gave you that chance. She doesn't need to give you ANYTHING! Get the hell away from her, or I'm showing your nudes to your mother, got it?"

   She wasn't really hurting his neck, but she used her acrylic nails to gently dig into the skin, just to scare him.

   "D-Don't. Fine, I'll back off," Aaron said, stepping back and walking away. "You don't have to be a bitch about it,"

   "Yeah, I do," She snapped.

   -Did Pepper just protect me?

   "Thanks, Pepper. I was about to knock out his teeth if he touched me again... why did you do that?"

   She turned to you, crossing her arms. "Listen little bunny, I respect you. The only people around here allowed to bug you, are MY friends and me. Even then, if they push it, you just tell me,"

   "Okay... sure,"

   Pepper looked you over. "He didn't hurt you right?"

   You laughed. "He doesn't have the strength... hell, he doesn't have the guts either!"

   Then you heard her. She snorted and started laughing, but quickly covered her mouth and nose when she heard herself.

   "I don't think I've heard you laugh before,"

   "I haven't... felt like there was any reason to laugh before," she said, clearing her throat. "If you tell anyone about my laugh, I'm strangling you,"

   "It's a cute laugh, really," you smiled, looking at her.

   Her icy blue eyes looked too surprised to reply to your comment. Before she could really say anything, your T-Phone began ringing.

   "Oh, I think my brother's wondering where I am. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

   "Uh... yeah, alright!"


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