The Start of your Era

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   Fifteen years old at last.

   Mutation day came and Splinter gifted you your own green eye mask. He finally agreed to let you and the others go up to the surface. Of course, you already knew about the surface, but you weren't going to let your brothers know that.

   Splinter knew you'd have no problem blending in with people, but he wanted to keep your identity safe. You were a ninja and you had to stay in the shadows with your brothers.

   You didn't really mind at all, since you didn't want anyone to recognize you from the last time you came to the surface. At least now you had a mask to make sure they didn't.

   Around this time, you were all hiding in the alleyways and in an unfortunate accident, a pizza delivery man came through on a scooter to use it as a shortcut and crashed into you. It didn't hurt as much as it would have if you didn't jump ahead of time to impact with the man and not the bike.

   He looked up to apologize and instantly screamed at your brothers, taking his scooter and driving off as fast as possible. You picked up the pizza box.

   "Hey, whats this?"

   You had food from the surface, but you didn't know what it was.

   "We shouldn't be down here. We're too exposed. Come on, lets get on the roof," Leo said, climbing up on a fire escape ladder.

   You held the pizza and followed him, opening the box carefully.

   "Guys, any idea what this is?" You asked.

   Donnie walked over and looked at it, the smell in the air was such a beautiful thing. It attracted everyone else to look at it.

   "I think it's... food,"

   "Human food?" You asked.

   "Maybe? It smells really good to me. Maybe it's turtle food?" Donnie poked the crust and shrugged.

   "I'll try it," Mikey said, reaching over and taking a slice.

   Mikey was definitely a "try everything" person so he was brave enough to eat anything. He took the slice in his mouth. It was obvious how good it was when his body seemed to go weak and he began dancing around and humming.

   "Uhhh... it's disgusting! You guys won't like it. Tell you what, I'll take the rest!"

   You bumped Mikey out of the way before he could take the box. Everyone excitedly grabbed a slice and let out a satisfied moan from the flavours, including you.

   "Oh lord, why haven't I gotten the pleasure of eating such a godly food?? This is incredible!" You said with a full mouth.

   "Something different than worms and algae, FINALLY! Is this what all food tastes like when you live on the most boring foods ever?"

   "No, some foods are gross, but like... this is amazing! There are so many flavours I wanna show--- wait... uh... I mean..." you stuttered, realizing you just outed yourself on your previous visits.

   "You mean... You've been up here?"

   "What?? Oh no, not at all! I just... when I was little and... stuff,"

   You nervously laughed and tried to think of something to distract them.

   "Uhhh we should head back home eh Leo?"

   They all crossed their arms and looked at you.

   "Um... Hey! Look at that!" You pointed at the first thing you saw on the street, which was a redheaded girl walking with an older, also redheaded, man.

   They all looked over and you sighed in relief and you saw the look on Donnie's face. He was in total awe. You swear he must have been drooling. Feeling proud of your distraction, you slowly climbed off the side of the building and headed back home as soon as you could. You needed to find an explanation and fast.

   When you were coming back in, Splinter saw you.

  "Oh, back already?"

   "Sensei! Hi! Um yeah, I uhh... got a stomach ache so I came home. Anyway, gotta rest! Bye!" You rushed to your room and took a deep breath.

   It was hours later until you heard a knock on your door.

   "(Y/n), it's Raph. Open up,"

   You bit your lip and opened the door, letting Raph in, who was followed by the rest of the turtles.

   "Hey... Listen, I'm sorry I left, I just felt really... overwhelmed and I couldn't face you guys yet. I'm..."

   "(Y/n), listen. I'm not that mad. I just wish you would've told us," Leo sighed as he leaned up against the wall.

   "Leo, you're a total snitch when it comes to these things. I wanted to go alone. I realize it was dangerous---"

   "Hey, we're not mad because you when to the surface before, we're mad because you scared the crap out of us! We turned around and you were gone! What the hell was that?" Raph yelled.

   "And that girl was attacked and kidnapped and we thought maybe you were too! We came in, terrified of how we would tell Sensei that you were kidnapped, but then he told us you came home hours ago," Donnie explained.

   "We were worried about you!" Mikey came over and lifted you up in a hug.

   "Really...?" At first you were touched, but then you processed what Donnie said, "Wait, kidnapped??"

   "Yeah, we're telling sensei about it now. You should come with us." Donnie nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

   "Ah geez... I know we're all going to be in trouble when he hears about how I ditched without saying anything,"

   "Well, at least we're together in this," Leo said, opening the door for everyone to follow him out.

   -Yeah... Together!-

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