Don't Be Alarmed

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HEY I'm rewriting some earlier chapters. so if the chapters or book updates get all weird, don't be alarmed. If you'd like to, you can re-read the book and check out my new-old chapters lol. There will be a huge, dated, quality change in chapters but the current (good) chapters will stay. i'm just reorganizing stuff so you all can have a better reading experience :)

ANYHOO, I just want everyone to know that if they see that the story is moving around or getting messed up. I will remind everyone and new readers on the first chapter as well :)

It's like the same Author's Note I had before, but changing the beginning chapters. I will post the new ones to my tumblr as well, but thats just if you prefer tumblr instead of wattpad.

My tumblr username is liltigerrose and my blog is The Fanfic Shack. (The only thing on there rn is a Norman Osborn X Reader so sorry-)

See ya!

P.S. I will probably be deleting a few comments to make things less complicated. I'm sorry!

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