A Dark Place

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   After Leo brought you home, you tried to find ways to spook him a little. This mostly consisted of little pranks (conducted by Mikey) and silly jumpscares, but it still wasnt any use. He was a tough egg to crack, but you weren't going to give up.

   Although you felt like it was a good idea, since it began to get exhausting and repetitive. He seemed to suspect you with every strange thing that happened. He was also the only one you told about your power, so when things got intense, he pointed fingers at you immediately.

   Well... maybe it was a better idea to ask.
   You didn't know how exactly you were going to ask. "Well hOWDY GOLLY GEE LEO, what the hell is wrong with you? Why dont you get scared?" Was probably not your best option.

   "Leo, can I talk to you for a sec?" You  said to yourself in the kitchen to practice.

   "As long as you're not going to throw a rubber spider in my face, then sure. What's up?" Leo was right there in the room with you and startled you.

   "Oh I... well, okay. You know how I've been doing stuff like that? Like with the spiders and the jumpscares, all that? I'm just..."


   "You don't get scared very easily. Almost like you don't get scared at all...?"

   You noticed that Leo started getting tense and tried to answer in short words in a single sentence. "It's nothing; I'm just fine,"

   He began leaving the room and you followed after, more concerned than before. "Leo, come back; now I'm even more suspicious,"

   "There's nothing to be suspicious about, alright? I just don't scare easily. You should go," He made his way to his room.

   "Leo, please just talk to me. What's going on?"

   "(Y/n)... If you really want to know, then... can you come back in 10 minutes? I'll tell you everything, but don't tell anyone else about it, okay?"


   He closed the door and you just stood there, not sure what to do except... well, wait. You couldn't think of a reason to explain why Leo was being so secretive about it. You didn't want to lose his trust by talking to any of your brothers or Splinter about it and you weren't going to, but you really wanted to figure out what to prepare for.

   It was decided that you were going to go back to the kitchen to kill the 10 minutes and when they passed, you came back to Leo's door. He let you inside and waited for you to sit down.

   "So... You wanna know what's wrong with me, huh?"

   "Well, you can phrase it like that if you want,"

   Leo sat on his head and you could feel his anxiety right away. "I've been really... uh..."

   You sat patiently. "It's okay Leo, I'm not rushing you,"

   "For five years I've been really depressed. I don't really know what to do about it. At first it was really bad and I didn't take care of myself... I started turning 13 and then I decided to try a little harder. So i started eating better, sleeping at good times, anything... I felt a little better, but only a little. I still... I don't really feel a lot these days,"

   "I... I don't understand. Are you sad?"

   "Not quite. You know how when you watch movies you get really invested and you laugh, cry, or even like after a scary movie theres that fear afterwards?"


   "I don't feel a lot of that anymore. I have some good days and some bad days where I start feeling a little happy, but most times its a bit sad. Sometimes I'm irritable too,"

   "I just... I never thought that..."

   "I hide it well, don't I?"

   "Yeah, you do. I can't believe I missed it. Do you think you'll ever get better?"

   "Thats what I'm trying to do now,"

   "When's the last time you felt a lot?"

   "I think... When you got kidnapped by Fishface and Dogpound. It really scared me. I was also really mad at the Purple Dragons for hurting you and trying to take advantage. I knew you had the upper hand when it came to them, but... I was still worried. Most of the time I feel anything is when I need to be the leader,"

   "Well, if it helps at all, you're a great leader and my big brother. Have you told---"


   "Not even Splinter?"

   "I don't like to worry you guys, because I'm the leader now; not just the oldest brother,"

   You gave him a patient smile and hugged him. You barely noticed, but you also began crying in the hug.

   "W-Wait, (Y/n) are you...? Oh crap, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you, (Y/n) please please please don't cry,"

   "I just wish I could help you. I love you Leo! You're my family!"

   "I'm sorry... I'm sorry,"

   Leo hugged you tighter and he started sniffling too. "Come on. Lets go get something to eat. I hate seeing you like this,"

   You didn't move when he started getting up. You kept your arms wrapped tightly around him and shook your head, not wanting to move.

   "Leo, I don't want to brush this off. I want to help,"

   "I know,"

   You let him go and wiped your eyes.

   "You really should tell Splinter. He's been through a lot and he loves us.; he's probably our best bet to helping you feel better,"

   "Maybe, but I don't think I could face him and tell him that I'm getting weak,"

   "You are NOT weak Leo. Everyone, including Splinter, has had some kind of obstacle in life like this, but it doesn't mean you're weak,"

   "You always know exactly what to say, don't you? Okay well, I'll tell Splinter but please don't tell anyone else,"


   Leo looked at you for a minute with a serious look, then you nodded.

   No matter what, this was going to be fixed.


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