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You were hanging around. You were... Bored.


Big Bro Leo was in the dojo, training. You wanted to watch a Space Heroes DVD he got for Christmas. You wanted to set it up for him, so you curiously tried to work out the DVD player. You looked at the DVD case, shrugged and stuffed it in. (Of course) It didn't fit, and you were grumpy.

"Come on..."

You started to push all of the buttons. You got even angrier and then you remember something Mikey said,

"Hugs can fix anything!"

You smiled and tried to lift the DVD player to give it a hug. You dropped it and it landed on the corner of the DVD case. It broke open and you saw the DVD. Not only that, the player was smashed.


Raph let you play with baby turtle Spike, as long as long as you kept an eye on him. Raph was training with everybody else, but you liked hanging with Spike. You played on front of the lab with Spike. You rushed to the kitchen to get a leaf, but when you came back, Spike was gone!

"Spike!" You whisper yelled.

You looked in the living room, under the pillows, and behind the TV.

"Spike, where are you?"

You gave yourself a face palm and said,

"Raph is gonna kill me!"

You looked around with a tear escaping your eye.


Donnie let you play with the computer. He had a drawing activity installed for you on there. He had to train, so he trusted you. You liked drawing, but... It made you thirsty. You got a glass of water and brought it to the lab. You climbed on the chair with the glass of water in your hand. You put it on the desk with relief. Maybe, too much relief... It fell over on the keyboard. The computer started to look weird. There was tiny tiny clouds of smoke coming out the sides.

"Oh no. Oh no no no no no no!"

You bit your nails and looked around.


You were playing in Mikey's room, alone. You were playing with his toys. Of course, being a fun loving kid, you jumped on the bed while playing.

"But-But why do unicorns need to breakdance at the kitten Olympics?"

"Because they are good at making rainbows."

"Eek! Look out Mr. Unicorn!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! No......!"

You dropped the unicorn toy on the floor while you were in the air. The toy bounced off the ground, in half. You stopped jumping and freaked out.

"No! Oh no..."

You picked it up.



I'm gonna put, "You get caught." After this.
Taco, Cocoa Kitty Cat!!!! (My new favourite sentence."motto")

Sister Hamato: TMNT Sister StoryWhere stories live. Discover now