Donnie's Smitten

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   I'm sorry for not really updating as much as I used to. I'm so thankful that I still get readers and votes and that people add my story to their reading lists. I'm truly thankful for you all. It's been such a long time but I'm back. Still kind of fighting some stuff I have trouble with, but I thought you guys deserved a new chapter. I'm also going to be asking about some stuff from you all just to help make the story to your liking and satisfaction. For now, I'd like to write about a sweet little chapter I thought of when I couldn't sleep.

   Also, you may notice that my old writing is REALLY crappy and now my writing is better. I'm surprised y'all still liked my old stuff.
   Anyway, enjoy the story.

   Ever since you saved that redhead, April, Donnie's been head over heels for her. It was so obvious but she seemed nice...

   However... was she nice enough for your big brother?

   Well... Probably. You thought she was alright, but if she ever tried to hurt Donnie, you weren't afraid to break her tiny nose. Your tall turtle nerd of a brother deserved only the most respect.

   One Saturday, April came over to hang out with everyone. The moment Donnie got too nervous, he fled to his lab to figure out what to say, so you decided to follow him and have a little fun.

   "Aww, look at Donnie and his sweet little crush. Hiding out in his great lab of love, eh?" You joked.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about." He looked away from you and crossed his arms, hoping you'd change the subject.

   "Oh come on, you're obviously crushing on little miss redhead in there. Don't think you can hide that,"

   "Yeah, maybe I am, but that's none of your business (Y/n),"

   "Don, I'm your sister. As your sister, it's my duty to annoy you and snoop in your business at all costs."

   He rolled his eyes at you, sat at his work desk and turned on his soldering iron to work on something. Donnie must have a lot of things going on in his big brain if he's really that reserved about April. He told you everything; not many things made him uncomfortable when it came to you.

   "Donnieeeeeee and April sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

   "Real mature, (Y/n)," He scoffed, a little like Raph would.

   "Are you going to name your kid Apriltello?"


   "But Donnieeeee,"

   "What is it, (Y/n)?"

   "Why don't you wanna talk about April? You seem so isolated all of a sudden." You patted him on the shell and played with his bandana straps.

   "I'm not isolated, there's just a lot of things I'm thinking about,"

   "Like...?" You pulled up a chair and sat beside him.

   "I don't know, (Y/n). It's just that April's a normal human and I'm a turtle that lives in the sewers. I like her a lot, but I don't want to suddenly take up her life if we do happen to start dating... And if we don't, her trips to the lair are only going to be uncomfortable when I'm around. So really... It's just better for me to lay off, but I can't just stop liking her, you know? It's not like I have a chance with her."

   "Yeah... I see what you mean,"

   Donnie lied back in his seat, looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

-I feel kind of bad now... He really does like April. I mean, it's the first human girl he's seen, besides me, and he's hit puberty. Donnie's discovered his feelings and they're strong.-

   "I'm sorry for acting like a nine year old. You really do like her, huh?"
He nodded his head.
   "Well... If that's true, I honestly believe you have a chance,"
   "You're just saying that,"
   "Please Don, when am I ever 'just saying' something? You're like, the coolest nerd ever. You're my awesome big brother with a big heart and a big brain. If anything, April should be worrying about her chances with you. You're awesome."

   Donnie smiled to himself and looked at you.

   "Thanks, (Y/n)." He put his soldering iron into its pocket and gave you a hug.

   "No problem bro. Seriously." You hugged him back and you instantly felt good for talking to him. He seemed much happier now.

   You both went out into the living room —after turning off the soldering iron of course— and greeted April.
As nice as it was to talk to Donnie seriously, you still had to wiggle your eyebrows at him from across the room when April mentioned when she would hang out again.

I love you all <3

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