First Day P1

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   This was it.

   Monday morning with an outfit you tried incredibly hard to style and a tangled mess of hair. You just wanted to make good first impression on these people. They were your age and they came from all walks of life, so maybe the fact you were raised by a mutant rat wouldn't affect that much... right?

   From the first moment you walked in, there was a tense feeling of judgement. It wasn't a good feeling, but it wasn't a bad feeling since you were used to Sensei watching your every move when you reviewed your katas. The first thing you noticed was the metal detector.

   -Why would the school need a metal detector? This is a place for other kids like me...-

   You were hesitant to go through as your tessen was always on you. Instead of leaving your tessen, you tried to come up with a plan.

   -If a teacher asks about the metal detector, maybe I can say it's my metal ruler...?-

   Carefully, you stepped through and it went off like crazy.

   "Eh darn thing. Sorry about that, I'm still trying to get it working."

   You saw a man crouched down, opening a panel to the controls of the detector with tools and a small light. There was a group of people treading down the hallway on the your way to the principal's office. There were maybe 4 or 5 people, one girl, coming down and they were unnecessarily blocking up most of the hall.

   You would have moved aside, but there wasnt a side to move to, so you squeezed through them and immediately got your shoulder grabbed by the two you squeezed by.

   "Hey, what's your problem? A little 'excuse me' too much for ya?" One of the two boys said.

   "Hold on, Frankie."

   The girl of the group went up to you and it gave you a chance to look at all of her features. She had dark red dyed hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin was pale and you weren't sure if she had a real tattoo or not on her neck. Her baggy, black jeans were held up by a studded belt and she wore a black, sleeveless high-neck top that slightly showed her belly.

   "I haven't seen you here before. You skip school a lot?"

   "N-No... I'm new. Sorry, I was just trying to get to the office. I just don't see why you all need to block the hallway. Walking two by two wouldn't hurt, you know."

   She was taken back by what you said, surprised at your tone.

   "Listen here, I'm going to let that comment slide for now, but if you know what's good for you, you better start respecting me, you got that little bunny?"

   -Little bunny? What is she talking about?-

   They left you standing in the hallway. You didn't know whether or not to feel insulted or just plain confused, because you sure as hell weren't threatened.

   You opened the door and entered the office, waving awkwardly to the secretary.

   "Hey, I'm (Y/n) Hamato? I was enrolled online?"

   "Ah yes, we were wondering when you'd show. We have your schedule and asked one of the students to help show you around. She's just late, but if you kindly---"

   "Sorry I'm late! I'm here, I'm here," the girl needed a moment to catch her breath from running in. "Hey, I'm Aurora. Everyone calls me Rory, but call me whatever you want. Come this way, its a big school!" Her voice was soft and sweet.

   She beckoned you over to follow her back into the hallway. Her hair was rippling down in waves in a dark brown. Her skin tone was a beautiful medium brown with the undertone of a warm sunset. She had big brown doe eyes that made you trust her in an instant.

   Aurora was wearing a lavender coloured T-shirt tucked into high waisted jeans and a delicate gold coin necklace that matched the sparkle in her eyes.

   "My name's (Y/n). It's nice to see a friendly face."

   "Oof, I guess you already had a run in with Pepper, huh? Don't worry about her and her group. She's just a little bit in her own head. I promise our whole school isn't like that; some people are really sweet."

   The sweet girl brought you to the library, explaining the card system and the rules of the books. It was a really nice place. You knew Donnie would have had a breakdown and fall in love with the environment if he was here.

   "I come in here for my tutoring block with the younger grades. There's an afterschool homework club if you ever need to catch up on work but need help from us."

   "Isn't it homework for reason?" You joked.

   She laughed at your joke, but responded seriously. "Some people can't work at home. Their families are too loud, their space is too distracting, anything like that. There's a water kettle over there for people that want tea and snack– Oh that reminds me, let me show you the cafeteria,"

   She opened the door for you to leave the library and brought you to a very spacious lunch room with tables and trash cans placed everywhere.

   "Our cafeteria provides fresh made meals for people. They used to charge people 5 bucks but it came to our attention that some people can't bring lunches let alone afford them... but because of that, they can't really pay for the best groceries so it kinda sucks, but we always manage to afford making a great homemade pizza."

   -Mikey would love this.-

   Rory brought you through the halls, showing you each class as you walked by. It amazing you that there were so many rooms. Did every single one of them have a teacher?

   "This is the gym. Right next door we have the weight room which I DO NOT recommend going into. It smells like... ugh, I don't even know. Old cream cheese in an a sock that hasnt been washed since the 50's. The equipment's nice and all, theres actually a punching bag too, but nothing can make me go in there."

   "Punching bag you say?"

   Raph would straight up murder that punching bag is he was here.

   As she nodded, her wavy hair bounced along with her movements. Aurora began bringing you to your first class.

   "I was picked out for you so I could be in your first class. We're doing history right now, but we're also learning about mythology, which I LOVE. Right now, we're studying Japan and its history."

   Oh man, Leo loves Japanese history. He's such a nerd.

   "Anyway, lets go in. I already told the teacher I'd be late, so I'm sure she won't mind."

   Well, here it goes.

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