When He accidentally hurts you (physically)

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You and Leo were watching a REALLY tense and exciting episode of Space Heroes. Both you and Leo were holding onto a pillow and were almost ready to tear it apart. It was even more tempting when Captain Ryan was about to fall off of his ship. It always got closer, closer, closer and when it was close, Leo screamed like a girl and poked your eye.


He was a little bit too distracted to say sorry right away. But when he heard you have a mini scream, he noticed you holding your eye and said,"Oh no!! What happened to your eye?!"

You gave him a face like this:
Leo finally remembered,
"Oh, OH MY GOSH! Sorry (Y/n)!! I-I-I didn't know!"

He hugged you while you kind of punished him by not letting him see the TV screen while he was hugging you. You said to yourself,
"Muahahahaha... REVENGE..."

Raph: (Brace urself if u wish)

Raph was sparring with you. He was getting better, but so were you. The two times you beat him, you said,
"You thought you had me, but I played you like a trombone!"


"Boom! You just got (Y/n)-ified!"
He had enough, but he also had a kata that he learned before you. You wouldn't know how to block it. Before beginning he said,
"Brace yourself."

"For what, Pom-poms?"

He smirked.
"You'll see..."

You began the fight. You couldn't believe that you were losing it all! Just when you were winning everything! Before you could say, "I yield," He was having too much fun not losing.

"Not so smug are you? Too bad, you didn't know what I knew."


"So when you lose this point, I hope you have your tissue box present."


"I guess you're not as tough as you think, (Y/n)!"


He finished with a big punch, having you end up resting on the tree trunk.

"Yes! I beat you! Never mess with the master!"

You softly cried. He saw you curling up, hugging your knees.

"(Y/n)? Are you... Okay?"


He rushed to you and said,
"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I tried."

"I'm s-sorry."

Then, what made you smile, was Raph being a noob. He was making attempts to hug you, but he ended up hanging upside down, in the tree, with his arms crossed, but partly around you.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Raph! I'm sorry! I can't help it! Omigosh! Oh sorry! HAHAHA!"

He just did the -_- face. Whenever your bruises from the fight hurt, it wouldn't hurt any longer because you would remember his beautiful hug.

Donnie: (This one is short)

   Donnie was in the dojo still trying to work out spinning the Bo Staff with one hand. You REALLY wanted to prank him. You asked for Mikey's water balloons and got two. You were tiptoeing, he was getting good. When he spun 5 more times, you stepped forward on the wrong space, where the floor board creaked. Being good at using the Bo and having ninja reflexes, he quickly spun and hit your arm.


"Oh gosh! (Y/n)!"

"Whattup?" You held your arm and said,"Hey Donnie, do you have anything to help with horrible pain from a stick?"

"Sorry... Um, no?"

"Then quickly grab a pillow so I can yell agh."

"Will do!"

He came back from the living room after retrieving a light green pillow. You held the pillow to your face and yelled,

He hugged you while you screamed. "Feel any better?"

"Not quite..."

You picked up the water balloon and smashed it onto his head. "Now I'm Awesome."


Mikey was showing off his awesome skateboarding moves. You looked up to his awesomeness. But of course there's a pain that comes along with being up close to him. While he was doing a kick flip and then speeding up a little, he ran over your foot.

"Ouchie Cotton Candy!!!!"

"Say what?"

He saw you hopping on one foot and stopped.
"Holy Wormy!"

He ditched his skateboard and went to you.
"Sorry (Y/n)! I'm sorry! Does it still hurt?"


He picked you up, went on his knees, raised you higher and said,

Then you forgot about your toe and looked at him. You still remembered, but the pain was still there. Mikey sat you on the skateboard and gave you a ride to the lair making weird ambulance noises like,

Then when you got there he sat down with you and said,
"Are you happy now?"


He smiled brightly.

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