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   It was Sunday and you were going out to meet your friend at a restaurant she recommended. You were walking around and you still were blurry on the directions to that restaurant. You were texting Rory while you tried to find the place. She really wanted to know what your family was like since you always said such nice things about them, but you knew that it had to be a secret. You always gave vague answers to her questions and she really wanted to know why.

   <Rory: Listen if you don't want me to meet them, it's fine. But your fam sounds so cool and honestly I just want to know why you want to be secret.>

   <You: It's just a complicated situation that I really can't explain.>

   <Rory: Is it something bad?>

   <You: No it's just complicated. Anyway, i might have to get a taxi because i have no idea where i am. I'll talk to you later, okay?>

   <Rory: For sure. See u soon>

   You put you phone in your back pocket (BECAUSE JEANS FRICKEN NEVER HAVE REAL FRONT POCKETS) and you continued walking around. You were trying to get a taxi driver's attention and every one either just didn't care or had a full car already.

   It was really discouraging that it had been almost 5 minutes of yelling, "Taxi!" And waving at taxis going by. There was one that was driving by and you shouted as loud as you could,

   It went right on by and you groaned. There was a car right behind it and it slowed down, close to the side walk and pulled over. The window sunk down and revealed a man wearing sunglasses with blond hair and a clear complexion. He shouted out to you,

   "Hey, girl. You doin' okay? I heard you yell and that taxi went right past. You need a lift somewhere?"

   "Yeah. I'm kind of lost and I need to go meet my friend at um... i think it's called Dinah's. Its a restaurant. Somewhere a few blocks away from that tall building with those huge letters. The building's pinkish I think?"

   "Oh I know exactly where you need to go."

   "Okay good. My friends gave me these directions so I actually have no idea where it is."

   "Oh. Okay. Hop in."

   He opened the passenger seat door and let you in. It was the first time you've actually been in a car. It kinda smelled weird, but there was music playing and it seemed alright. You put on your seatbelt and he continued the conversation,

   "You got a name kid?"

   "Nah I don't got a name," The Raph side of you replied jokingly.

   "Ha ha very funny. My name's Wes,"

   "My name's (Y/n),"

   "Nice name. You must be somebody who's not from here to get lost." He glanced at you, then back at the road.

   "Er, yeah. I get lost easily too, but I know the city a little."

   "That's cute. You must be glad I pulled over for you huh?"

   "Yeah. Thank you so much,"

   "Mhm, no problem. Who's the friend you're meeting?"

   "Oh, her name's Aurora. She's a Spanish girl,"

   "I know her," the man said rather quickly.

   "You do?"

   "Yeah, isn't she that girl who smiles a lot? Anyhow, I'm her friend too. Funny, she never really mentions her friends very much,"

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