The Unspeakable

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   Just like any morning, the room was freezing but you liked it that way. It got you up and out of bed. It was summer break so you weren't really worried about school. You got to enjoy the cozy blankets and your favourite teddy bear in the sanctuary of your warm bed.

   Your stomach, of course, gave you the courage to face the cold floor to find food in the kitchen to satiate your hunger. You saw Mikey of course, happily experimenting with food.

   "Whattup? I'm making some calzone biscuit things. You wanna help?'

   "As long as you dont put in too much salt this time." You smiled, pushing your hair back with a headband.

   "Don't worry, I know today's the day. It'll work out!"

   You cleared off the counter and watched him add more flour to the mixture in the bowl with one hand, and kneading it in with the other. It wasn't until you checked the time with your phone that you worried.

   "Mikey, its like 6:00. Why are you up so early? You usually like to sleep in,"

   "Yeah I know, it's weird. I kinda just woke up and I felt all tingly and energetic. Like when Donnie has 3 cups of coffee! Then I cleaned the kitchen a bit and decided to start trying to make my morning biscuits with cheese, pepperoni, tomato, and that good stuff. Can you check the fridge for mushrooms, jalepeños and see if there's those pears? I wanna try using pears,"

   "Okay but not in my batch, I am still pretty hungry, alright?" You said, laughing and rummaging around in the fridge. "This is so weird. Usually Leo and Sensei are the first ones up. Sensei's usually in here about now making tea, then they have breakfast, meditate and then Leo watches TV,"

   You took out the ingredients and set them on the counter. Mikey was about to respond and then a weird sound came from the back of his throat. It sounded... almost like he had a mini burp or a whine.

   "What was that supposed to be?" You chuckled.

   "Bro, I don't even," He forced a burp and started patting his chest. "That felt weird. Like, can I redo that? Aueeeeh, ehhhhhhh--- nope, nevermind,"

   You laughed again and started cutting up the mushrooms and jalepeños for Mikey while he prepared the pear. He gave you some slices while putting aside a small test batch for his experiment. When he finished the prep, he put it in the oven and told you to come back in half an hour.

   You stretched your arms out and went into the living room, seeing Leo fiddling with the TV, but trying to be quiet while doing so.

   "Hey Leo, you okay?"

   "What? Oh yeah, hi. I just wanted to see the behind the scenes documentary for the Live Action Space Heroes Movies. It started a few minutes ago but the wires are acting up and I can't get them in the right place,"

   "Have you asked Donnie for help?"

   "He's asleep in his lab... again. Besides, I can handle a TV antenna,"

   "Well you bunched up the wire a LOT so I'm going to go get some pliers from the lab. Sit tight,"

   You started walking into the lab and rummaging around Donnie's tools as quietly as possible. You got some pliers and glanced over at Donnie to check on him. You noticed Leo's blue spotted baby blanket draped over his shoulders as his head was nestled comfortably in his arms.

   -What a cute little idiot.- You thought as you began to leave.

   "April... April... Shit..."

   You turned to look at Donnie again and heard him talking in his sleep.

   "Oh fuck... April, you're amazing..."

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