The Other Kunoichi

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After hearing about Leo's depression, you've been trying to take care of him and make him happy again. Although he appreciated the thought, he began avoiding you and telling you to focus on yourself. You couldn't help it, you wanted him to feel better and hated seeing the fake smiles he put on all the time.

One day, things just... Changed.

You could feel how alive he was feeling. There were so many times you made him laugh so hard, he would cry. It was such a good feeling. Part of you wanted to ignore your curiosity and just celebrate his happiness, but the other part was much larger than the first.

However, it wasn't your top priority; you still had your own life going on and was on the case of finding your mom. You often went out at night looking for links or sources to her or your... biological father.

You went out at night with your kunoichi suit, which you had been working on for weeks, wandering the rooftops to clear your head. You took a notepad out of your harness fanny pack and began listing ideas, both on paper and out loud.

 You took a notepad out of your harness fanny pack and began listing ideas, both on paper and out loud

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"He could very well have a link with the Kraang. Let's see... past Kraang hideouts... the abandoned Winston warehouse... TCRI... the docks by... what is it called... well, there. Of course, you can always check the police stations or---"

You stopped and listened. Someone was watching you.

Slowly, you put your notepad away and kept talking to yourself, pretending you were oblivious to the presence of this person.

"Well if I should start anywhere, it should be his lab again. Maybe theres something I missed... a clue or something,"

Your hand was on your tessen. Your head whipped around at the sound of an unsheathing blade and you dodged this person's attack and got into a steadier stance, taking out your tessen.

It was a regular foot ninja.

"Listen loser, if that's the peak of your stealth, you should just quit,"

He stayed silent and tried to attack you again, just as easily dodging him and striking his back and knocking him dizzy, but not dizzy to the point of unconsciousness. He stumbled and you struck his shin with a powerful kick, then pinning him face down with your arm around his neck. You heard a grunt of pain coming from the mask.

The foot never really expressed their pain, so this was a first.

"Why were you watching me, huh? What's your problem?!"

You tightened your grip and heard another weapon unsheath before a female voice spoke.

"I wouldn't hurt him too bad if I were you,"

You froze.

"Now let go of him and stand up,"

You slowly got up and released the Foot ninja's neck.

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