Papa Splinter Love

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After you were fixed up by your big brother Donnie, more than anything, you just wanted to go to sleep. You made your way to your room and you heard Splinter exclaim your name.

"(Y/n), what happened to your arm??" He rushed over and looked at you with huge concern.

"Sensei, it's fine... The cast is stable. I was..."

"You were what...?"

"I... accidentally got kidnapped and fractured my arm."

"What do you mean accidentally?"

"I didn't mean to get kidnapped. I should've just said..." you took a deep breath. "Dad, I'm exhausted. I just wanna go to bed. Can I tell you about it in the morning?"

"Of course. Go rest."

You smiled at him and gave him a one arm hug, being sure to nuzzle his fur as a sign of comfort. You bid him goodnight and found yourself drifting off in bed easily. You had pleasant dreams during the night, which helped you rest easy into deep sleep.

In the morning, you slowly gained consciousness and enjoyed the calm feeling of the silent room. It was safe, a little cold (but you didn't notice with the help of your cozy blankets), but it was still home for you. You dragged yourself out of bed, desperately searching for slippers so you wouldn't have to touch the stone-cold floor.

You walked into the kitchen, seeing all of your brothers there, eating what Mikey had prepared them. He made simple omelettes, his dish customized to his liking. He insisted customizing everyone else's meal... but obviously that was a no-no.

"Morning (Y/n)," Everyone almost said in unison.

"Morning. Donnie, can you fix me a new phone tomorrow?"

"Sure." Donnie was looking at his phone with a half eaten omelette on his plate, kind of in his own trance.

Mikey served you a plate of food and said, "Bone appetizer,"

You were about to correct him, but decided not to. You were going to cut the omelette in half with a knife, but found it difficult with your cast. Expecting a little help from your brothers, you only got snickers.

"She looks like a dinosaur trying to dine at a fancy restaurant," Mikey giggled.

"Real funny, Michelangelo."

"Oh snap, what did you call me?"

That always got him. It made him so uncomfortable when you, especially you, called him by his full name. You laughed at him and Splinter walked in.

"Morning, d- sensei."

"Good morning." He smiled at you and stood at the end of the table. "Good morning, my sons."

Everyone responded with their regular greeting and continued eating.

"(Y/n), may I speak to you for a moment?"

"Dad, can I at least finish my breakfast?"

He nodded, about to make tea. Before he knew it, you scooped the food into your mouth and said, mouth full of eggs and cheese and veggies,
"Mmmph, Iwm dong."

There was the Mikey side of you.

Splinter humoured you and left with you to the dojo. You weren't exactly sure what to say, knowing he just wanted you to tell him what happened. It was a lot, so you weren't sure if you wanted to start in the beginning or just start where you actually fell on the stairs in the fortune cookie factory. You were a little uncomfortable talking about the plan that Xever put you into with the Purple Dragons, so you didn't know how to start.

"So dad... What did-" He looked at you, waiting for you to call him sensei; which you only rolled your eyes at. "Dad, it's hard for me to call you sensei. I'm jut not used to it. It's your fault you know,"

He stayed silent, only raising his eyebrow at you.

"I mean... you raised me and stuff. You're my dad,"

"I understand, but in the environment of the dojo, it's better for you to see me as your sensei rather than your family."

"And why is that?"

"With love comes hesitance. If one day you were able to win in a spar, I don't want you to feel guilty."

"Dad- Sensei, you don't have to worry about that. Raph taught me how to deal with that."

"Of course Raphael would."

There was a pause of silence until Splinter finally asked,
"So what happened yesterday? How did you get hurt?"

"Well... Do you remember when I went out to meet a couple of friends, then a guy offered me a ride in his car?"

His ears gave full attention. "You've never told me that,"

"Oh, right... Well..."

"What have I told you about talking to strangers?? Do you know what could've-"

"Sensei," You looked at him with crossed arms. "Yes, I know what could've happened. I know now. Remember, you taught me that learning from my mistakes is important," You raised both of your eyebrows, "Can I tell you my story now?"

You could tell he was anxious, but he was your father figure. Who wouldn't be?

"I went up to the surface to clear my mind about my mom. Then I had an idea... About how I could figure things out. I wanted to go to the nearest police station and ask about their missing child cases. I pulled out my phone to search for the nearest station, but Xever must have recognized my phone... then he attacked me. I managed to get away from him, but then Bradford caught me. Xever was going to bring me to the Shredder, but he 'sold me' to the Purple Dragons so they could beat me up. When Xever and Bradford left us alone, I almost escaped, but... Fong tripped me and I fractured my arm on the stairs. My brothers got there in time, so don't worry,"

You took a deep breath.

"There's always something going on. I get sick of it sometimes." You walked over and leaned against the tree. You weren't sad, but everything just bothered you. You expected Splinter to be a little disappointed in your fighting skills or maybe tell you to stay strong, but his response made you happy.

"That's the challenge everyone faces. You don't get to choose when your break is, but it will come to you."

He offered his hand to you and you took it, getting pulled in for a hug. You relaxed in his grasp, getting a feeling of nostalgia. He hasn't properly hugged you in a long time. You remembered being small and sweet, getting hugs from him whenever you needed.

I guess now was the only time you needed it again. You buried your face in his chest and groaned,
"Why did I think school would be a good ideaaaaaaa?"

He let out a little chuckle and patted your head.

"Your determination knows no bounds, my daughter. That's who you are and I'm proud of it."

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