You get in a Fight

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You were looking for Leo. He was going swimming, but you didn't know. After minutes of searching, you decided to go to his room. He didn't like letting anyone in his room without permission. You slowly reached for the door knob and turned it. You quietly asked,

"Leo? Are you in here?

You went in and you noticed a little box under his bed. You knew that Leo didn't like people in his room without asking, but you were most curious. You pulled out the box and opened it. There were drawings of the family. Then there was one of you. Suddenly, Leo came in yelling,

"What are you doing?!?! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T LIKE ANYBODY IN MY ROOM."

He started to push you out of his room.

"I-I was looking for you!"

"Oh really? Because I was VERY clear with everybody that nobody is allowed in my room without asking! Why are you so not-smart?!"

You stepped up to him,

"I am smart! You are just an idiot! A big idiot! Do you really even care about me?"

"Well... I...*inhale* NO! I have before, but now I won't care about you ever again!"

"Me either! You aren't my brother anymore! I hate you!"

"Fine, you aren't my sister anymore! I hate YOU!"

You ran out of the lair and into the sewers. Tears rolled down your cheeks like a rockslide.

You wandered in the sewers thinking to yourself.

"I want my family."

Then, you curl into a ball to fall asleep. You wake up to a thumping noise. There was sniffling and sobbing too. It was Leo. He was crying out,

"I'm sorry! *long sob* I never meant to lose my sister. I want you back, I want you back, *sob* want you back. Where are you?!"

You ran over and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry. I love you! I need you and everybody else to care for me. You are my only family right now."

Leo walked you back home. Big Brothers are always there.

Raph was fighting with Leo all day. You wanted to calm him down. He stormed out of the dojo yelling,


When you tried to stop him for a bit to calm down, he pushed you out of the way. You were ready to cry, but no. He was angry and you wanted to help.

Sister Power!

Raph slammed the door. You walked towards it and knocked.

"Raph? Please, I know you're in there...
I'm just wondering, how you've been...
I tell myself I can do it too,
I'll be right here for you, just let me in...
I know you're mad at brother,
I am too,
Please, can you listen to me?"

He comes out,
"Do You Wanna... BE QUIET!!!!"

He slams the door.







You stormed out. But once you stepped into some sewage, you burst into tears.

Meanwhile After a few hours, Raph calmed down and came out of his room. He was guilty. He went to your room to say sorry, but he found you gone. He got angry again, but at himself.

"You Dumb-Dumb!"

He dashed into the sewers, he heard sniffling. You were sitting close to the pipe where you were washed away.

"I'm useless... I'm dumb..."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me! I was following a stupid ice cream truck! I was Dumb!"

"You were 4! You were at the age where you want more things, want more answers and loved asking questions! You can't blame yourself, blame me. I was tough on ya for 6 years."

"You're right. Thanks Raph."

"Anytime. Lets go back home. I'm... *cough cough* sorry."

"Apology Accepted."

He carried you home on his shell and you both went to eat some lunch.
You and Donnie where doing some math. There was one problem that really got you. You were frustrated and ready to burst,

"Just do the question right!"

"I-I don't get it!"

"We went over it---5,15,20, 23 times (Y/n)! Can ANYTHING get in your brain? Do you even have one?"


"Sure, Glad to know your using your brain."

"At least I have a brain!"

"You're so stupid (Y/n)!"



You walked out and slammed the lab door. You went to your room and pushed a toy that Donnie made you, off of your end table. You started to tear up. A few minutes later, Donnie came in saying,

"I'm empty hearted,
You mean something to me Sis,
I love you sister..."

"I'm sorry Donnie. Thanks for the haiku. I love you too, and Donnie?"


"Can you fix my toy robot?"

"Of course!"

You and Mikey were playing games. You were beating him a lot. You stated to get ahead of him. He used to be the master, but you've been acing the techniques and practicing victory dances for 2 weeks. Mikey was infuriated. Mikey put down the controller and took a breath,

"I gotta do some other stuff."

"That's okay to be overwhelmed by my awesomeness!"




"I was just---"

"Being a rotten sister, I know. You know what, why don't you GO!"

"Bro, you know that I don't know where I live."

"First of all, don't call me bro, I'm not gonna be your bro anymore. And secondly, Of course, WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!"

"First of all, You are too! And secondly, I KNOW MORE THAN YOU!"

Mikey shoved you. You said,

"I guess I'm really NOT your sister anymore!"

"That's right! Now go home!"


You swept your leg and Mikey fell. He had his usual "I fell on my shell and can't get up!" Thing going on. You dashed through the sewers thinking,

"Maybe he's right. Maybe I am a jerk..."

You walked around looking for a manhole. After several minutes, you found one. Before you touched the ladder, you heard,

"(Y/n)! Where are you? (Y/n), I'm sorry... I was angry! I love you. Really I do! *sniff* I promise to never let my anger affect you! I promise... If I break my promise, you can pelt me with water balloons!"

You called out,
"Mikey! I'm over here! Can you hear me?"

A few seconds later, he could see you. You ran to him and he said,

"I promise."

You whispered to him,

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