All Better

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You were stuffing the little bits and pieces in the DVD player. Sorta like a sandwich. You cried to yourself,

"Why? Why do I always think I can do it? Why?"

Leo came back in 6 minutes, he saw you curled up, crying.

"Sis? What's wrong?"

He came closer and saw the broken DVD player.


"I didn't mean to! I know, I know! I'm a not nice sister!"

Leo came over and gave you a hug. He let you rub tears on his mask. He said to you,

"It's okay... It's okay..."

"I ruined your day..."

"You can't ruin my day! You're too awesome for that."

Leo left the living room and went into the lab. He came back with a piece of paper. He explained to you,

"Donnie broke it before. When we fixed it, he drew an instruction sheet."

Your eyes shined. You and Leo worked out the pieces. You were happy. You and Leo finally finished fixing it and you both watched Space Heroes, with pride.

Raph was going to be here any minute! You were frantically searching. You heard the dojo door open and gave up. You kept thinking,

"They're gonna think I'm not worthy of keeping control! They're gonna kick me out and I'll starve in shame, and the mean Pink Dragons are gonna get me on the streets and I'll never be happy again! *sobs/holds in tears*"

Raph came by saying,



"Good prank."

"IM SORRY!!!!! Wait, what?"

"Spike came in the dojo, dressed as a monster."

Raph had Spike in his hands. He was covered in a blanket, with a tiny box on his head with algae on the blanket. You nervously giggled,

"Good job Spike!"

He didn't have to know. Lol.

You were freaking out. Donnie wasn't Raph, but he TRUSTED you! He never even let Splinter touch the computer. You were afraid that Donnie wasn't gonna love you anymore. You thought that, if you were ever in grave danger again, he wouldn't care. You were shaking, breathing fast and ready to burst.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!! *Sniff*. *sob*"

Donnie dashed over to you and saw the computer.


You looked at him. He had pure anger in his eyes. You cried harder. His face softened and he hugged you.

"Are you ok?"

"You're *sniff* not mad?"

"I am mad... But my computer isn't as awesome as my family. Besides, I have done that, 46 times. I wrote a sign, but you're still working on reading. I just don't want you to get electrified."

You looked at him. He was smiling. His smile made you smile. He taught you how to fix the keyboard, just in case. Big Brother.

You looked at the action figure. It's leg was gone. Mikey was gonna come back to play, which meant you had to hurry. He never got mad at you, but he usually cried. You picked it up and thought he would never speak to you again. You started breathing really fast.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

You looked at the door, awaiting the pain. He came a minute later and saw the action figure.



"How did you do this?!"

"I'm sorry!"


"It's broken... I broke it..."

"Exactly! I've been trying to make the game realistic since his leg's been eaten by a worm! You're strong!"

He had the brother smile on his face.

"I wuv ya!"
I know they're short, but I'm preparing for a time jump. Don't worry, it'll come later. Not soon, late. Okay?

Taco, Cocoa, Kitty Cat, GO!

Sister Hamato: TMNT Sister StoryWhere stories live. Discover now