Leo's Geek-Mode

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   There were two sides to Leo.

   One side was always calm, precise, focused and in touch with his spirituality.

   The other side, well...

   It hid a dark shady place where you would be totally drowned in his geeky love for Space Heroes.

   Wow... it had really been a while since you watched Space Heroes with Leo. You would watch it sometimes but it felt so... wrong to watch without him by your side. It felt so quiet when you watched alone, even though when you watched with him, you both stayed dead silent.

   Sometimes he'd come into the room and sit down, really excited to watch with you, but you were still so mad at him for breaking his promise about cutting ties with Karai. The moment he would sit down, you got up and left even at your most favourite parts.

   It broke both of your hearts. It had been happening for a while until you noticed that when you left, Leo would just turn the TV off. He just stopped watching altogether. Honestly, as mad as you were that he broke his promise, you missed sitting with him and getting into debates about which character was the coolest and talking about cosplay. Not even you could enjoy watching Space Heroes anymore on your own. When you sat down with your snacks and blankets, the moment you turned on the TV you felt like... a part of you was missing.

   The hardest thing was trying to get the courage to talk to him again; finding in yourself to hear him out.

   You decided to start by not leaving when he came in, even though you were afraid he would've given up trying to stay when you were watching... but he still stayed. He was more shocked that you didn't get up and leave again. He waited a whole minute -trying to give you time to leave- just to start up the conversation.

   "Is this the episode where-"

   "Yup," You replied.


   "Uh-huh." You nodded.

   "So no-"

   "Nope." You shook your head.

   You both smiled a little and took a deep breath.

   You just read each other's geeky minds.

   "(Y/n)... I just want to say sorry. I shouldn't have made the promise if i knew I was going to break it. I just. I have this gut feeling that she has something in her that... you know, makes her good? Or... even just connected somehow,"

   "I'm sorry that I've been so mean and ignoring you. It just makes me more upset that you're willing to take that risk. I trust you though, Leo. If you really do think she has a good side... I'll stand by you. I haven't said anything to Splinter yet,"

   "That means a lot, thank you. I was actually wondering how I might make it up to you and... well, follow me,"

   Leo got up and started going toward his room with you following behind him. His energy was warming up and you were happy to be interacting with him again. He opened the door and pulled out one of his boxes, looking through it very carefully.

   You loved that both of your energies were bright and happy now that you've made up.

   Leo carefully pulled out a zipper binder and opened it, taking out a comic book that was still kept in packaging. He turned it over and revealed the holographic cover with all the Space Hero's characters perfectly illustrated.

   "Wait... there's no way that's... Did you-"

   "I promise I didn't steal it. April has a friend that was giving a bunch of comics away from teir collection and she brought them all... and then this one... this one was still in plastic. I looked at its the LIMITED EDITION, HOLO-COVER, THIRD BOOK OF THE N9-34 GALAXY SET. I guess the collector wasn't a fan of Space Heroes... which is stupid, but great for me... but now I want you to have it,"

   "N-No way. You haven't even opened it to read??"

   "Not once. I kept it in the plastic and in this binder because I'm scared to ruin it. Apparently the third book..."

   "...is rumoured to be lost to the public after several callbacks. So this is like... not even like an original copy? Like..."

   He nodded and you carefully opened the plastic, sliding the book out and opening the first page. Every page had holographic bits like the illustrations of the ship and the stars and crystals. You read the first sentence and couldn't contain your excitement.

   "Captain's log: The galaxy of N9-34 has pulled the ship into what we think is a backwards time loop. Dr. Mindstrong is making contact with the Penisadons..."

   There it was. The legendary typo that was rumoured around the Internet for YEARS that caused the company to freak out and call everything back.

   You burst into laughter and showed Leo immediately. The new copies all corrected the typo to it's original name, the Oenuzadons, which were all correct after the pages. You put the book back into it's plastic covering and smiled.

   "This is TRULY special. I need to read this with gloves on so I dont get anything on it. I will treasure this forever,"

   Leo laughed and hugged you. "Good, if you didn't, I would have regret my decision SO BADLY,"

   You barely caught your breath from laughter after a few minutes and finally calmed down... but then you looked at Leo as he calmed down too and mumbled something to send you flying back into the fit of laughter.


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