Bad Rat Dad pt. 2

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 This chapter has an illustration in it, so stay tuned! If you like my art, you can follow me on IG @ kimut.creations

Full disclosure, it was a redraw, not an original. I traced with a sketch, re-lined, re-coloured.


  After you left Pepper's apartment, you tried to find a manhole that wasn't being swarmed by rats. The city just seemed to get worse by the second. For some unknown reason, every rat in New York was going insane and following some kind of instinct or command... or something.

   What if New York's rat population had some kind of new disease for rats?


   You began to run faster, desperately trying to find a manhole. One empty alley finally came into your peripherals and you seized the opportunity.

   As quickly as you could, you pried open the manhole and slipped inside, closing it behind you. You ran home and checked on Splinter, who was laying on his tatami mat with his half-empty glass of water beside him. You knelt down and checked his breathing. His breath was quiet, but it was still there. With a big sigh, you sat next to him.

   "I'm glad you drank some water, dad. I love you," you mumbled. "I know you probably can't hear me.

   You put your wrist over his forhead to check his temperature, and he felt fine. If he wasn't sick, what was bothering him? Of course, Splinter was much stronger than your average New York rat —mentally and physically. This whole rat rampage was definitely a part of something bigger. Someone or something was driving the rats out of their homes to the streets... but what?

   With no other ideas, you laid beside him on the cold floor, waiting for him to wake up.

   It took a while.

   Splinter was still asleep when brothers came home with April. You sat up and beckoned them over with your hand.

   "Guys! April, you're okay! Do you have any idea what's going on?"

   "We're still trying to figure it out," Donnie said, reaching out to help you to your feet.

   April walked over to you and looked down at Splinter. "Is he... okay?"

   "He's breathing, that's for sure. I'm really worried about him," you replied before April put her hand on your shoulder as a sign of comfort.

   "Donnie, you're the smart one! What do we do?" Raph asked, also worried.

   Dumfounded, Donnie stammered "I uh... well, m-maybe... we should... poke him?"

   "Good idea. Mikey, poke him." Leo gestured to Splinter.

   Mikey defensively rejected the idea. "No way! I'm not pokin' him, you poke him!"

   Leo crossed his arms and shrugged. "Okay, we'll put it to a vote."

   "Mikey," Everyone said in unison.

   "I want a recount!" Mikey exclaimed with an offended look on his face as Donnie handed over his bo staff. "Ugh, fine."

   You gestured for April to stand back in case Splinter woke up in fight or flight mode. Mikey nervously stepped closer. His clammy hands anxiously gripped on the bo staff and it got tighter the closer it got to Splinter's face.

   "Easy does it now..." Donnie whispered. "Careful not to squeeze the–"

   The bo suddenly went into Spear mode and everyone screamed, making Mikey instinctively throw the weapon on the ground, away from Sensei.

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